Chapter XIII - Confusion

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"The liquid that contaminated you was acid... You're already a parasite Y/n..."

Your eyes widen,

You took a step back, Every injections of Acid that was impaled to you in an operation table, The perverted and disgust looks of the scientists the despair that took the shine of your eyes.. Those hands that put you through....

you placed your hand to your head as you let out a Bloody scream...

You weren't supposed to get those memories back...

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That scream.. It was Y/n's..!! Sun and I ran to where the scream was to see Y/n with her hand placed on her head.She was screaming in pain.. "Y/n!!" Sun yelled as he held Y/n, Y/n kept trying to get away and even tried to hit Sun. I held them aswell and tried to talk to them "Y/n!! please calm down!!" Soon enough Alex and Dave came into the room "Y/n!!' Dave shouted as he took Y/n from our hands, “What did you guys do?!” He shouted “We didn't do anything it was—” Sun tried to speak but Alex stopped him “We're taking Y/n. Don't get close to her until we're done.” “But Mr. Alex..!¡” “This happened before because we weren't careful and now...” “But we weren't the one who put her in this state! It was him!!” I shouted and pointed at Gregory. We didn't even know how it happened.

Alex took a look at Gregory, But Gregory shook his head. He then left with Y/n and Dave. I immediately looked at Gregory “What did you do to them Gregory?!” Gregory seemed startled as he took a step back, The other animatronics started running towards us, With Freddy being the father figure he is, “Why are you shouting at Gregory Moon? Is there a problem?” “He IS the problem Freddy!! Didn't you see Y/n outside?! They were screaming! In pain! He is a threat! Not Us!” “How about we calm things down and talk about this—” “How Can I calm down when I know That kid did Something to Y/n?! Our Y/n?! They may seemed like some ordinary friend to you but they're special to us!!” Sun Exclaimed, I never seen this side of Sun before even when we were mad at children.. But what he said was true. Y/n is special to the both of us. Just like how Gregory is Special to Freddy.

Dave then barged into the room and looked at all of us. “Y/n's memories.. Got triggered back. That transferring tube was Y/N's containment cell before she got to us.”

I couldn't understand what Dave meant when he said those words.. But I knew it was bad..

Suddenly we heard another scream from Y/n, Me and Sun tried to rush out to Y/n but we were stopped by Dave. “Either all of you stay here until Y/n is done or I'll remove you all from her memories as well!!” Dave shouted. We froze and stood in place, We didn't want Y/n to forget about us.. I hate to think about it...

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You woke up with an absolute Headache, From what you can recall, You were getting some snacks after playing with the animatronics for hours.. Then you passed out. You were now in your room, You got up and walked outside of your room to see all the animatronics with a worried expression. “What's with the face? Although I can't remember what happened last night.” They all looked at you, Especially Sun and Moon, “Y/n!!” The two shouted as they rushed to you, Both hugged you gently as you felt your headache going away. “Thanks for the morning hug, But I've only been asleep for a day, What are you guys worried about?”

“Y/n.. You've been unconscious for a week”(You've taken that sleeping beauty job for a good amount of time lemme tell ya) You were surprised, You only thought that it was just a day, Were you too tired? No that can't be possibly right—

“Alex and Dave said you'll be moving houses, It seemed that they have a better on for you.” Freddy added, Does that mean you'll live with The animatronics alone now? “But you'll only bring Sun and Moon because of your relationship with them.” “But we're still friends—” “Still?” Monty questioned. ”Wait... Why did you said Still?!” You thought as you're cheeks started to have a Crimson colored tint on it, You covered your face due to embarrassment. You weren't supposed to say that.

Moon got closer to your ear and whispered “We could be more than friends if You wanted so Starlight..~”

And the teasing of each animatronics never stopped.

———Chapter XIII End———

1034 Words

(Sorry about the short story today! My head's gone with a headache, I guess sleeping late has its toll but yeah, And about the confusing story—
Yeah- It's confusing

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