Chapter XVIII - Scared?

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(Guess who used 30 minutes of their time on a wireless mouse problem to only 'know that you have to press a button for it to work?

Yeah, Me)

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There has been a rumour around town that a men couple was moving in the mountains, They must've have a lot of money to buy that land. They spent three months moving to that location, They always leave just before dawn. Why can't they just sleep there in the first place?

The truck seemed to have stopped visiting after a while, They must be fully moved in. I looked at the mountain and planned what to do for tomorrow.

I looked around the market to see any unfamiliar faces, Then I saw them.. Going down the hill with a bag of crops, I saw them sell it until it was dawn, That person must be someone who moved in with that couple. Was that their adoptive child? But what creeps me out more was the aura their eyes have. So lifeless.. Yet terrifying. She seemed friendly but dangerous at the same times.

The Sunset had just finish, They were asking another person where the grocery store is. They went to the grocery store and stayed for two hours. I had my pocket knife ready as I waited for them to leave the store. They walked out with the things They bought, I followed them back to the foot of the hill, When they were about to go back up, I pulled them and threatened them

"If you make any sounds I'll slit this knife at your throat missy.. Now give me your belongings."

I watched them as They slowly dropped all of their things, I chuckled at my thoughts, This person isn't really dangerous after all, They're Pathetic. Like a kid. I was about to get their things back when They bit my hand making me groan in pain, They bite like metal! What the hell!!

They ran up the mountain as I shouted. "Get back here you!!" I ran after them with my pocket knife. They banged on the gates and cried for help as I slowly reached up to them, I huffed, trying to catch my breath as I looked into my hand, My hand was bleeding from the bite, Just how strong were their teeth?!

I was about to stab them i their abdomen when the gates screeched open...

And an Ten(10)feat tall monster appeared..

I backed away as it glared at me. While it was holding a triangular shaped dagger. It has even more creepy aura around it than the person, They hugged the monster as I quickly ran away. I'm not dying tonight after all my work, I didn't bother picking up their belongings and ran straight back home.

I didn't took a step outside, I couldn't sleep.. I only eat once... Everytime I would move or blink, That monster's glare would always be on me no matter what, Every night I can feel him looking at my windows, Ready to haunt me if I stepped outside. I didn't like it.

One day, One of my friend's went to my home I immediately rushed to get the door closed, I know it's still outside!!

"Be careful!! It might come in and kill us all Matt!!" "Woah there, Are you sure you're not hallucinating? Ever since you stalked that new person in the mountains, You've gotten into hiding. What's wrong?" "They have a monster in their house!! You've seen their eyes!! They're dangerous!! You have to warn the others!!" I gripped onto their shoulder and exclaimed "Calm down, They're pretty vulnerable and harmless. Their eyes are just for show man." "You don't understand!! They have a monster! It can kill us all one by one!!" Matt seemed annoyed. "I don't know what happened to you that night but you've gone crazy man. I'll leave you alone for now." Matt pushed me away and left "It'll be coming for you too Matt don't forget about that!! You'll come back running here!!!" I shouted before slamming the door and went back to hiding.

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It's been weeks since you started working back on selling things. You felt comfortable knowing the eyes that was stalking you while you walk down the mountain was from Sun and Moon, You made some good friends while selling stuff, You were too possessive to tell them about Sun and Moon, You would always overthink that they would take the two away from you even though they're your friends.

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You got back home and looked for the two immediately just like any
other day. "Sunny?? Moonlight??? I'm home!!" You shouted. Suddenly all the lights on your home turned off "Sugarplums?" You shouted. An arm grabbed you high up, Making you drop your things to the ground "Wha-? Hey!!" You shouted as it carried you. You were thrown into your bed as another pair of arms wrapped around your waist. One of them turned on the small lampshade revealing both Sun and Moon infront of you.

"That boy earlier who waited down there... We didn't like how he looked at you Sunshine..." Sun spoke. "And as long as we give you enough attention or more than enough.. You wouldn't leave us for that guy... Right Starlight..?" Moon spoke as he sat infront of you,You were squished between A hungry for love Moon and A possessive Sun. It was rather getting intense.

And that's how the night ended.

With Cuddles and Kisses

———Chapter XVIII End———

1267 Words


Does anyone have some Eclipse scenes y'all want to do?? I'll be making some bonus story every 6 chapters finished!!

and have this aswell

and have this aswell

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