The Domain

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Link signing- "in italics"

Link speaking- "regular"

The path to the Zora Domain was a path Link knew all to well. Having walked it many times before he knew all the twists and turns and where all the monster camps were, on occasion this knowlge was useful for particularly bad days when link was already injured and didnt want to put up with the lizolfos bullshit. However the walk to the domain this time was different.

Having defeted the calamity the monsters that lived on the path to the Zora domain had mostly disapeared, the few that did remain minded their own business, not one of them even looked at Link. For this he was thankful, because today happend to be one of those bad days. Link had gashed his leg on a jagged rock near the Inogo Bridge attempting for the fun of it swim to the Zora domain. Evedince of it having been a bad idea had proof shown on his leg as blood seeped from the open wound mixing with the water from the river still clinging to Links leg, it was gross and stung a bit, but he brushed it off telling himself he would be able to clean it at the domain.

The rest of the walk was boring and uneventful, the most exciting thing link saw was a lizolfo cooking a Hyrule Bass. As the Domain had started to come into veiw Link quickend his pace, all to exited to see Sidons face and he regaled the story of his victory over Ganon, and the reuinun of he and princess, now queen of Hyrule, Zelda. Link was unsure why but he adored watching the way Sidon's face would light up as he told him storys of his travles around Hyrule, how Link wished he could bring Sidon all the places he had been during his travles, and experence first hand the wonder and amazment the Zora prince would have looking and the breathtaking scenary. Alas Sidon had far too many princly dutys to ajorn to, and Zoras were far too sensitive to diffrent landscapes for it to be possible to take Sidon on an adventure outside of the Domain. At least Link still his stories to tell.

"Link, my dearest friend!" Sidon boomed when he saw Link on the Great Zora Bridge, "its been forever since I last saw you! How have you been?"

Link justs shrugged, he wasn't much for words, not like he could say anything anyways. Link didn't want to bore himself by talking about how he had been, he wanted to see Sidons face as he told him about his fight with Ganon. "I defeted Ganon."

Sidon smiled his usaul smile. Teethy grin, closed eyed, and sparkling. "I know, the queen sent a message to all the races. I heard the news this morning, I couldn't wait to see you."

"would you like to hear about it?" Link signed.

Sidon wasn't too good at understanding Hylian sign, but he had practiced, he didn't like making Link uncomfrtable by making him speak just because he couldn't understand the sign. "I would love that!" Sidon walked closer to his Hylian friend. Links injured leg came into view. The blood had since dried, it now clung to the skin underneath it, Link had completly forgot about it, it wasn't until Sidon asked that Link looked back down and became aware of it again.

"Oh, it dosen' hurt. I gashed my leg swiming by the Inogo Bridge."

"It's good to hear your not in pain, I can patch it up while you tell me of your fight against Ganon." Sidon replied.

Link found it sweet that Sidon cared for him so. He sort of reminded him of Mipha, it made sense, they were siblings after all, but link couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu flood over him. He was reminded of all the times Mipha had healed him while he told her the stories of his injurys, they were pleasant memories. Link chuckled to himself softy remembering them, Sidon had been so small and cute at the time, now he was all grown up, and much taller than Link.

Sidon grabed Links hand to lead him to the infirmary so they could grab a med kit. Now Link felt like the child.

"Ganon was huge!" Link signd while Sidon looked up, "It was honestly teriffying. I was so small in comparison, but I still kicked his ass!" At that Sidon had to laugh. Link seemed to never be affected by how dagurous or scary his fights were, he could make a joke out of anything. He made the prince feel normal, listening to his unhiged friend ramble about his life or death situations. He turned his attention back to Links leg. Using rubbing alcohol to clean the dried blood and asure Links leg wouldn't get infected.

Links skin felt as if it flushed when Sidons gentle hand brushed over it cleaning the wound. This was a sensation Link had never felt, not even when Mipha healed him. Now Link was dense, but feeling this he knew that somthing about he and Sidons relationship was different, never had Link been touched by someone and been made to flush. his leg heated up wherever Sidon touched his skin, leaving a phantom feeling of touch, even after his hand had already moved to the next locatin on his skin. It felt strange to enjoy somebodys touch. Was he weird for feeling this way? Did this make him abnormal? He would make a point to tell Zelda about this feeling next time he was at the castle. For now Link was content with not knowing why he felt this way, or what it meant for the future.

Sidon and Links eyes caught eachother, Link relized just how long he had been watching Sidon patch his leg. Unaware his leg had already been wrapped Link stared at Sidon, he didn't know what to say. It felt like an etrnity they had been staring at eachother, Sidon finally broke the silence. "So... How long will you be staying at the domain?"

"I didn't think of that, I'll probably stay around three days then make my way back to the castle." Link signd, averting his eyes.

"Oh, great! We'll have plenty of time to see eachother!"

Link was glad, at the same time he really wanted to ask Zelda about his feelings towards Sidon. Thankfuly the day was coming to a close, he was one day closer to discovoring why he felt this way towards Sidon.

Words: 1080

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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