The Untold Truth

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Yoongi: She is my wife!

Nera was shocked: Are you kidding me Yoongi? She herself introduced herself as your maid and you are saying she is your WIFE?

Yoongi: (looks down in guilt) Because I asked her to introduce herself as my maid to everyone.

Nera: I can't believe it! And what about the story you told me the other day? About her boyfriend and necklace?

Yoongi: That was a made up story and the necklace is gifted by me only...


Yoongi took out his phone and showed Nera his wedding pictures.

Nera: How? How can this be possible? You told me your wife was Miru and she ran away with some men and you didn't remarry.

Yoongi: I lied to you. I remarried Sushiru. Actually a forced one. My parents made me marry her. And the guy with Miru ran away was Sushiru's husband, my own brother. Sushiru was my sister-in-law.

Nera: I'm confused! Please elaborate Yoongi. I want to know how your maid turned into your wife? I want the truth!!

Yoongi nodded and told Nera the untold truth.

Yoongi: So Sushiru lost her parents at the age of 16. She started living in an orphanage.......

(Author pov)


Sushiru lost her parents in a car accident. Her little sister also passed away in that accident. She won a scholarship which helped her pay fees for further school and college studies. Like this, she continued her studies.

But students of Sushiru's school didn't like her because she was a scholar student in studies. They started bullying her. Being low from family's death and no friends in new school, she had noone to complain to about the bullying she faced... all she could do was to bare them.

After one year of her parents death, she got paired with Yoongi for a class project. Yoongi was a cold guy but he never treated her bad like other students did. His good personality and handsome face made her fall in love with him.

Sushiru thought of confessing him as she doesn't want to lose him just like she lost her parents and we never know when that person will disappear from our lives. Girl always wished she could say "I love you" to her parents for the one last time but they no longer exist in the same world as her.

Soon, she confessed to Yoongi but got disappointment in return. He rejected her. But she didn't lose hope and kept on making Yoongi realize that how much she loves him. She did every small and big efforts to make Yoongi realize her love because he is second human after her parents, whom she loved dearly. she lost her parents but she doesn't want to lose him.

But she gave up that moment, when she saw him kissing another girl. That was a one normal day. She bought roses to give to Yoongi but when she was going to give it to him, she saw him kissing a girl. When they broke the kiss, Sushiru saw his passion for that girl in his eyes. and that girl was none other than Miru. That was the moment, Sushiru finally thought of giving up on him and threw roses in the trash bin.

But Fate had other plans. She kept on bumping into him even when she didn't want too. And those were the times, Yoongi were in his vulnerable state. She took care of him like a friend, directly or indirectly, when Miru should be the one to support him. Miru was always absent from his vulnerable moments and Sushiru was always around. But Yoongi always loved Miru and he got blind in that love. He couldn't see anything and specially Sushiru's love.

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