Chapter 9: Broken Down Walls

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A/N: Hello! Everyone seemed to enjoy the last chapter, even though It was a pure load of poop. Sorry for the rushed writing, I just felt like I needed to get another chapter out to you guys. I promise this one will be better. Anyways, I want to thank you so much for all the comments and votes I've been getting on this story. It started of just as a dedication to my friend Jessie, but I guess it turned into much more. Thank you. Oh, another thing, since you've probably read Dark, yo urHarry feels probably exploaded. And then this story is demolishing your Niall feels.

really recommened you go read @x0misguidedghosts0x 's book, Behind His Hazel Eyes, a Zayn Malik fanfiction. It's also like this one and Dark, just demolishing your Zayn feels. I promise it's amazing, you should check it out. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! FEEL KILLING TIME.

Chapter 9: Broken Down Walls


 We kept following Niall on the dirt road, but just far enough that he didn't notice. He would kill me if he knew I left the house. He was used to things going his way, and well, to him everything was a  "my way or the highway" type thing, but there was no highway. It was "my way or screw you because it's still going to be my way."  

We turned into a creepy looking place, marked Carson Cemetery.

Why was he at a Cemetery? Why couldn't he tell me he was coming here?

Something wasn't right, and I'd be damned if I don't find out.


*** Jade's POV ***

Niall had just pulled into a Cemetery. Why was he here? Was he visiting someone?

I quickly motioned for Lara to pull over to the side of the road so that Niall wouldn't see us. I told her to stay in the car, and that I would be right back. I slowly opened the door, tip-toeing off the road onto the grass of the old Cemetery.

The smell of moss my senses as I slowly followed Niall walking throughout the Cemetery. Broken tombstones with tree roots knocking over them filled the area. Weeds, moss & lichen were growing on most of the tombstones. Whoever took care of this place wasn't doing such a good job. I felt pretty upset for the people who had loved ones buried here. 

I watched as Niall stopped in front of 2 tombstones, falling on his knees and placing his face between his palms. 

Niall was crying. 

Niall Horan was crying. 

*** Niall's POV ***

I just sat there; on the ground in front of my parents graves', crying my heart out. Today was the day that they passed away, February 2nd, 2004. 9 years ago. The tombstones in front of me were engraved with Matthew Horan and Martha Horan. 

I relaxed and brought myself back up to my feet, clearing my throut and wiping my eyes with my cold, bare hands. 

"Hey Mom, Dad." I whispered to the tombstones. Of course, there was no response, but I could feel them. I could feel their presence around me. They were listening to me, I knew they were. 

"I miss yo-." I barley whispered, before choking on my words and beginning to cry again. I turned around and trying to contain myself when the presence of a brown-haired girl surprised me. 

Jade was standing there, not too far away from me. Tears were streaming down her face, a shocked expression covering her face. She stayed in place, not moving a single muscle. I quickly walked over to her, grasping her wrist tightly.

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