Part 13

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Carl came to again and struggled from the bed he was strapped to. He flexed and heaved his strong body to no avail, he was still locked down tight.

An IV line with a green tinge to the fluids ran straight into his arm, wires stuck to his chest and a constant beeping sounded beside him. He had been asleep for days on end, being put out almost every time he woke, fighting the restraints and the injections

A light above the door turned green and he heard the sounds of a keypad being pressed. He sat back as much as he could allow,and waited to see who it would be this time

The door opened, a young nurse came in with a delicate smile "So your'e awake again she said as she moved beside the bed, her scent of Jasmine entered with her. She checked the monitors, the IV drip and bag and gently spoke to him "you've had a rough couple of days Carl, when are you going to comply?"

She walked slowly around the bed, her voice calm and un-phased. "there is worse than this, you might want to start to be more agreeable" her smooth voice hummed in his ears

He hadn't spoken a word in days, but he was beginning to feel defeated. He was monitored around the clock, in the few moments of consciousness he had he gathered there was no chance of him getting out. He heard conversations around him while he slept, sometimes multiple people talking about his progress but the sedation kept him from reacting.

The nurse continued "You would do better to just forget anything before this Carl"

"Before what" his voice was gravelly and dry, his tone low

"So you can speak" she looked into his eyes and leaned in, almost whispering "before you came here. You don't exist any more, out there. Nobody is looking for you, nobody knows you're here. You're dead, Carl. You only exist in here now and the sooner you accept it, the easier its going to be"

She drew herself away, and added more fluids to the IV line

"Why" he stated, anger brewing inside "why am i here"

She smiled "because you fit the criteria. Consider yourself lucky"

and with that she turned to leave

"The girl, the one I came with where is she"

The nurse looked at her watch "Breakfast, with all the others" she simply said and left, replaced by Arlo. 

"Last chance" Arlo said sternly, under the lights his skin had a luminescence under the leopard like spots that clustered on the edges of his face and neck.

He had to be near seven foot tall and heavily muscled, Carl studied. Jet black hair and a gnarling face. His brows were thick and looked as though they were permanently furrowed, black eyes below them laser focused on Carl.

"Last chance for what" Carl said, husky and low. He did know, though. He had heard enough in his moments of consciousness to gather this was some sort of testing facility and for some reason he was a prime candidate.

"To have a choice" Arlo said expressionless 

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