Chapter 1

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2 AM.

Dahyun stood by the bridge with a bottle of liquor in her hand. Her front was leaning against the cold metal railings as she stared into the distance, the water meters below her glistening with the night's moonlight.

"Hirai Momo, who would have thought that my own soulmate would leave me?" She whispered to herself as she eyed the bottle in her hand, its contents swirling at the shaking of her hand.

Dahyun was never an alcoholic. She would usually say no whenever her friends asked her to drink with them after class. When she does hop along though, she would just drink chocolate milk or drink a shot or two because of peer pressure and curiosity. But for today, she felt like it was necessary.

Her lover of four years left her just a month after her graduation.

Momo was a schoolmate she met in high school. She never really paid any attention to her because they both had their own set of friend groups, ones that seemed too close to even mix together. Besides, she was her senior and she preferred dancing over singing. Dahyun thought that she wouldn't really get close to her. That was until she spotted a red flower tattooed on her left ring finger.

Dahyun was at the counter of a local coffee shop sitting near her university, patiently waiting for her chocolate smoothie and chocolate cake when she heard a familiar voice next to her.

"I'll get the grapefruit passion jewel and the blueberry cheesecake, please." Momo smiled at the cashier then began fishing for bills and coins in her wallet.

Dahyun only glanced at her and went back to humming a small tune in her head when she realized something. She had a red flower on her finger, too. So, she did a double take on her, specifically on her fingers to make sure. And then, it hit her.

Momo was her soulmate.

She should be, right? Because there were gossips roaming around, saying that whoever matches your tattoo to the tiniest detail is your soulmate.

Should she really believe it though? Well, it doesn't hurt to try. Her friends found their own soulmates and were incredibly happy with them. So, why shouldn't she?

If she isn't, then she would get a new friend. She just hoped that she wouldn't fall in love if she wasn't. She doesn't want to get hurt.

So, Dahyun tried to get close to her. She moved to the locker next to Momo's, dashed to the left wing of the school every lunchbreak to get lunch with her, and even walked home with her during Momo's senior year in high school in the hopes that Momo would finally get the hint. And she did, thankfully.

They became friends, enrolled in the same college, fell in love, and broke up.

But what Momo didn't know was that Dahyun never had a locker. She thought it was a waste of money when she could just bring whatever she needed on that day to school.

Momo didn't know that Dahyun had her classes on the right wing of the building up on the third floor while she had hers on the left wing on the ground floor.

And most of all, Momo didn't know that Dahyun's house was nowhere near Momo's. They weren't in the same block nor street, yet she continued to do all these things until Momo broke up with her.

"Dahyunie, please don't get mad at me but..." Momo tugged on Dahyun's sleeve to stop her from walking.

The two were walking home from another mall date they had. Sure, they were happy, but Dahyun somehow noticed that Momo kept spacing out a lot. It was a normal occurrence though, but today was different. Momo felt off. She felt distant the entire day although they were always next to each other. And Dahyun couldn't shake the feeling that Momo was going to break up with her sooner or later.

But it came too soon.

"I'm sorry, but I'm breaking up with you." Momo pulled on Dahyun's sleeve tighter as Dahyun stood still with her back turned towards her.

"Why?" Dahyun finally faced her, a hint of sadness in her tone.

"I have to. I'm coming back to Japan tomorrow."

Dahyun thought that there were multiple ways to keep the relationship going despite the long distance. They could text and call each other since the timezones weren't that different. They could gift each other an item or two as a remembrance. They could even go old school by sending letters back and forth. But it seemed that Momo wasn't going to consider any of them.

As if Momo read her mind, she spoke up once again.

"Hyunie, I'm engaged."

Both their eyes glistened with tears as they stared at each other with a pained expression on their faces. They loved each other; they could both see that. But they guessed that it just wasn't meant to be.

"Till our next blossom, my dandelion." Momo whispered in Dahyun's ear as she held her close for the last time.

But that wasn't what the tattoo on her wrist said.

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