Chapter 2

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Dahyun's eyes were now brimmed with tears as she gulped down a bit more of the liquor. Warm tears begun to roll down her cheeks, the alcohol leaving a stinging feeling in her throat.

She shouldn't be drinking.

But she couldn't help it. She wanted to forget even just for today that the woman she loved for four years was never hers in the first place.

"Should I climb up? I want to fly up to the moon. Maybe the moon would understand my feelings." Dahyun asked and chuckled to herself.

She was afraid of heights. She knew, her family knew, and her friends knew. But she's gotten brave because of the alcohol running in her system. She was sure that she wouldn't fall. She knew where to place her feet.

So, she placed the bottle on the ground and slipped off her sneakers. She then began to climb up the bridge's railing before standing upright, her feet grasping smooth railing. If it wasn't already extreme, she spread out her arms and closed her eyes as more fresh tears slid down her cheeks.

"Hirai Momo, let's be together in our next lifetime."

Chaeyoung was driving home with a cigarette pressed between her lips. She has been going home late these days, frequently visiting bars with her friends after night classes.

She was a third-year student studying literature in college. Her friends would occasionally tease her about her choice of course because she didn't look like it at all.

Chaeyoung dyed blue streaks in her hair, tattooed multiple parts of her body, owned too many indie rock albums, and had an entire closet dedicated to whatever aesthetic there was these days. So, they said that she was better off as a musician especially with the many musical instruments she had in store.

But Chaeyoung enjoyed reading and writing in her free time. She often read books in the most hidden area of the library and wrote poems that lingered with a sense of dread, love, melancholy, and joy. She honestly converted some of them into songs when she was bored out of her mind, but that didn't matter now.

The love of her life was already dating someone else before she could even confess.

Chaeyoung was finally going to confess after two years. She figured that it was right about time to stop beating around the bush, and she had just the right plan.

Chaeyoung was going to ask her out on a date on Saturday. She was going to take her to the mall like others do. They were going to the movies and watch a rom-com and play in the arcade because Tzuyu was lowkey competitive. Then, she would take her to a karaoke bar because Tzuyu liked singing, and Chaeyoung adored her sweet voice. After that, she would take her to the riverside to watch the sunset. If they accidentally arrive during night and when the moon is finally up, then she has an even better line to say.

But it all went down the drain.

Chaeyoung was running to the college of veterinary medicine as soon as the bell rung. It was time for lunch, and she always ate lunch with either her alone or with her friends. But today, she was certain that she'll have some precious alone time with the Taiwanese girl because her friends were in on it.

Chaeyoung had informed them of her plan after a lengthy interrogation about her feelings for Tzuyu. And it was good to say that they supported her. The downside was that they constantly teased and pestered her about confessing. But today was finally the day.

With a smile plastered on her lips, she casually walked to her classroom as if she wasn't running for dear life just minutes ago. Her heart was pumping quickly in her chest. It was either because of her nervousness or the fact that she was breathless, but she preferred the second option better. She can't be nervous. If she's nervous, she might mess up and she didn't want that. It has to go perfectly as planned for it to work.

She has to have a winning shot.

"Oh, Chaeyoung-ah. Have you been waiting long?" Tzuyu had just stepped out of her room when she saw Chaeyoung waiting in the hallway with her back pressed against the wall.

"Hm?" Chaeyoung tilted her head up to look at the tall girl in front of her. "No, not really. I just got here." She smiled.

"So, let's go?"

Tzuyu only nodded and beamed at her with a smile before walking beside her. There, she started to rant about her entire morning, mainly about her minor classes being an absolute pain in the ass with the many reading materials she had to go through to write an essay. And Chaeyoung simply listened, nodding along with her story to show that she was still there.

Tzuyu wasn't really the type to talk. She would only talk during academic presentations and recitations. But other than that? She had nothing. Mere acquaintances couldn't get anything out of her, just a few short words and the conversation is already over. But with Chaeyoung, her family, and her close friends, she was a lot more talkative because she trusted them. So, Chaeyoung was more than touched to hear the stories many people couldn't even touch on.

"Tzuyu-ah!" A hyper blonde-haired woman came walking their way while waving her hand.

"Sana-ssi." Tzuyu waved back and walked towards her, too, until the three were facing each other in the hall.

"Ya, Tzuyu-ah, we should get lunch together today." Sana proposed, grabbing her hand.

"No can do. I already promised my best friend that I'd go with her." Tzuyu shook her head and playfully swung her arm with Sana's.

"Ah," Sana glanced at the shortest girl and smiled at her. "You're Chaeyoung, right? Tzuyu told me a lot about you." She extended her free hand to her, which Chaeyoung took and shook for a moment before letting go.

"I'm Sana, Minatozaki Sana from the psychology department. I'm Tzuyu's girlfriend."

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