Chapter 3

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Since then, Chaeyoung has been avoiding Tzuyu. She never visited her department anymore nor did she try to respond to any of her texts. She was upset that Tzuyu already had a girlfriend she didn't know about. But what was shocking was the fact that Tzuyu's friends had no idea, too. Maybe she was planning on telling them at a later time.

She just wished that she could have known sooner to keep herself from looking like a fool.

So, here she was, blasting rock songs on the radio on the way home while banging her head to the beat. If she was going to be honest though, it still hurt that she remained as a best friend for her longtime crush. But there weren't any tears left to cry, just an aching feeling sitting at the bottom of her chest.

She continued to drive, now heading towards the bridge where she spotted a woman's figure standing at the edge of the railing.

Is this suicide?

Her blood ran cold at the thought. Yet, she carried on, now passing by her silhouette as she thought of someone else helping her. But there were none. There were only a few cars running by, considering that it was late into the night. But none of them bothered to stop and get out just like her. She started to feel guilty, an overwhelming sense of emergency running through her.

Chaeyoung pulled over at the side and quickly got out of her car, slamming the door shut before she ran to her. But she found herself stopping midway to stare at her.

Dark purple hair, sharp monolid eyes, a pointed nose, and thin lips.

Her pale skin was being illuminated by the moonlight.

Chaeyoung doesn't know how long she's been staring, but she found the girl across her looking back at her.

Were those tears?

Chaeyoung swore she found her cheeks glisten with tear tracks. But when she looked back, they were gone.

"What are you doing?"


Dahyun didn't know how long she's been standing on the edge. All she knew was that she sobbed every painful memory and feeling out while the cool wind embraced her body.

"I miss you already, Momoring." She sniffled. "We'll meet at the same spot at the same time so don't be late please." Then, she continued to quietly cry.

In the distance, however, she heard a door slam shut, a car door to be exact. But it couldn't be possibly from someone she knew or someone that was concerned about her because she shut them all out for the day with her phone left closed in her coat's pocket. But she later felt someone's gaze on her and the thought of it gave her goosebumps.

She mentally argued in her head as to whether she should turn her head or not, but she did so anyways. So, with a slow turn of her head, she found a girl at the same height as hers staring back at her.

The flickering lights of the lamppost near them allowed her to see the blue streaks in her hair, the tiny glint in her large cat-like eyes, and the subtle shine on her reddish pouty lips.

"What are you doing?" Dahyun asked. Her voice seemed to have snapped the girl out of her trance.

"What am I doing? What are you doing? Get down from there. You might fall." The cat-eyed lady glared at her as if her heart wasn't going to leap out of her chest if she does fall.

"Fall? That's the plan." Dahyun said with a deadpan expression.

"A'ight, that's it."

Dahyun almost smirked to herself when she saw her walk away. She thought that she would finally leave her alone so she can continue sulking in peace, but she was caught by surprise when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

Without a second thought, Chaeyoung went behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist before forcibly pulling Dahyun to the ground. But as much as Chaeyoung wanted to put her down gently, she couldn't because Dahyun was being difficult. She was literally thrashing around and squirming in her arms as if she was abducting her instead of saving her.

"Stranger danger! Let me go!" Dahyun twisted and turned in her arms, accidentally headbutting Chaeyoung in the process.

Chaeyoung could only wince at the sharp pain on her chin, her grip loosening for a second. But before Dahyun could even escape from her hold, she finally managed to bring her back down with her except that they both ended up lying down on the ground.

"You dumbass..." Chaeyoung hissed.

Although they both fell down, Chaeyoung took most of the damage, her behind hurting the most from the sudden impact. Meanwhile, Dahyun had more than half of her body resting against her front. She, however, felt the weight lighten on her body as she watched Dahyun move off her and scoot forward to sit on the pavement in front of her.

"Ya!" Chaeyoung heard Dahyun yell.

"Jesus Christ. You're too loud." She grumbled, her eyes moving to whatever made the girl scream. There, she saw her holding an almost empty bottle of liquor with most of its contents left puddled up on the ground. She guessed that either one of them accidentally made it tumble down from the scene earlier.

"You demon! I wasn't even done with this!" Dahyun turned to look at Chaeyoung with a pout and furrowed eyebrows.

"Are you crazy? I just saved you from death and this is how you react?" Chaeyoung looked at her with disbelief. She really thought that the girl in front of her had gone crazy after seeing that she treated the bottle with much more importance. It was further proved when the pale girl started to laugh at her.

"Wait... you really thought that I was going to jump off? I didn't know a literature major like you would be so gullible." Dahyun was now sitting across her, flashing a dashing smile at her while she ran a hand through her hair. Her actions and words left Chaeyoung dumbfounded.

"What?" Chaeyoung blinked and cocked her head. Suddenly, she rose up to her feet and pointed at the railing as she began to nag at her. "You were literally standing on the edge! What else was I supposed to see?!" She sighed loudly and wiped her face in frustration.

"I can't believe I bothered saving a deranged lunatic like you." Chaeyoung looked down and ran her hand through her hair, tugging some locks by the roots in the process. She was embarrassed. She should have went with her guts and drove straight home.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. But considering how I'm a clutz, I should thank you. So, thank you, Chaeyoung-ssi." Dahyun sheepishly grinned. She wasn't even offended by her words.

Chaeyoung's eyes widened upon hearing her name from her lips. She doesn't recall introducing herself nor mingling with her somewhere else. "How do you know my name? Are you a stalker or something?"

"You're so full of yourself because really? Me? A stalker? If you weren't so busy doodling in your notes, then you would have noticed me." Dahyun gulped the last drops of liquor before standing up and brushing off dirt from her clothes and her skin.

"Kim Dahyun, third-year literature major."

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