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Lightspeed: What do you mean, I didn't give birth to any sons. (To Eva) did you?

Bolt: Hell no!

Lightspeed: Who are you, really!

Speed Demon: Like I said, I am your son from the future.

Lightspeed: You travelled through time!

Speed Demon: Like you did, dad.

Lightspeed: (to Eva) That sounds weird, doesn't it.

Bolt: Yup. What do you want!

Speed Demon: Your speed!

Lightspeed: That's funny, you can't have it.

Speed Demon: I will get it, even if it means that you die!

Lightspeed: Ok I have had enough of this shit.

Lightspeed runs and tries to punch him, but Speed Demon blocks it and tosses him.

Speed Demon: There is no point of fighting me. I am the fastest man alive and nothing can take that away from me!

Lightspeed again tries to hit him and gets beaten, AGAIN!

This pisses speed demon off and he starts beating Him hard!

Bolt: Please, stop.

Speed Demon: There is no stopping this.

Bolt: Look, calm down, we can solve this another way!

Speed Demon chokes Bolt

Bolt: Pl..ease sto....p

Speed Demon: If you don't cooperate with me, I'll  disintegrate this city and you with it.

Lightspeed: Stop, please i am begging you.

Speed Demon: She isn't going anywhere and I'll take those cuffs.

Speed Demon cuffs Bolt and takes her with him.

Just then Adam and Ben arrive.

Ben: What happened?

Lightspeed: Speed Demon took Eva with her. Where's Brainstorm.

Adam: Oh, she got out of the cuffs and started Hypnotizing Ben, so I had to kill her.

Lightspeed: I'm sorry.

Ben: It's alright. Right now we need to find Eva

Adam: who was that?

Lightspeed: That was Speed Demon and he is our son in the future.

Ben: That's messed up.

They go to the Lab to discuss how to save Eva, Meanwhile Speed Demon takes her to his lair.

Speed Demon: Wake up Mom!

Bolt:~wakes up~ I am not your mom!

Speed Demon: You shout again and you'll never see the light of day!

Bolt: Where am I?

Speed Demon: You are at my lair. Now, let's start the extraction process shall we?

~at the lab~

Adam: Why did he take her?

Jonathan: To get her speed to become the fastest man alive.

Ben: That is some Zoom shit there.

Adam: Zoom?

Ben: Well Zoom wanted The Flash's speed  and he got it.

Adam: Then how did Flash get it back?

Jonathan: By recreating the particle accelerator explosion.

Ben: Well we can't do that!

Jonathan: Wait, we can take some of my DNA and seperate the speed.

Ben: I have to say, that might actually work.

Adam: Ok, can you do it?

Ben: Yes, but it's gonna take a while because we don't have any resources.

Jonathan: We don't have that much time.

Ben: Wait, I have an idea, go to the library and pick up every single book related to DNA.

Jonathan: And what am I supposed to do with that.

Ben: Read it in superspeed.

Jonathan: Fine!

Jonathan starts reading all the books he could find!

~meanwhile at the lair~

~computer~ extraction process ready to start.

Bolt: What's that!

Speed Demon: That will give me your speed, but first have some food.

Bolt: No!

Speed Demon: Ok then let's do this, but for that we need to make you sleep.

Bolt: What do you mean.

Speed Demon: Buh Bye!

Speed Demon hits her on the head real hard, which makes Bolt pass out.

~meanwhile at the lab~

Jonathan: Ok, I read all the books I could and I have found out how to extract some of my speed, it can only happen when the speed force is inside her.

Adam: Uhm, guys I think you should see the news.

Jonathan: Why?

Adam: Just do it.

Jonathan turns on the News.

Reporter: As you can see on my left there is something written on the building, it says "The Bolt is dead." The infamous superhero Bolt has been presumed dead, but there is no sign of her body, this is truly a heartbreaking moment in the lives of the citizens of the city.

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