Chapter 1 - The Rules

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Don't listen, don't cry, don't show weakness. Those are the three main rules I live by, always running through my mind. Always. There is no escape from the constant buzz of it in my head. As if its on reply and i can't find the stop button. Or I simply don't want to find it. I don't know anymore, I don't know anything anymore...

Ugh my head hurts..Oh, oh no, please go away. Looks like he's yelling...maybe I should listen, yeah....I should probably listen. " What are you doing? Why are you just sitting on your ass?! I TOLD YOU TO CLEAN THE DAMN APARTMENT! " He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and flung me towards the door. " Sorry dad..." I mummbled. " YOU USELESS SHIT OF A CHILD GET OUT "

I quickly walked out the door before anything else could happen. I probably won't go back ' home ' tonight yet again I always say that. I walked out onto the damp sidewalk and just started walking, where to? I don't know but any where was better than there. After a while I walked into an old run down park that nobody had been to in years. I walked over to the swing set and sat on one of that swings as it gave out a loud whine in protest. I sat there for I don't know how long, it could have been 5 minuets or 5 hours. But I don't care I would stay out as long as I possibably could.

With that thought it started to pour. Oh well this is better than having to get yelled at and getting things thrown at me. I felt something brush against me leg, I looked down to see a cat with long orange matted fur that looked like a drowned rat. Heh. Drowned rat, sounds like the perfect thing to describe me. Yeah me and this cat are just alike...We're both drowned rats and and nobody cares about us. I smiled, Im suprised i still even know how to. I picked up the cat and set it on my lap.

" You must be cold on the wet ground, I may not be any better but it's the thought that counts right? '' The cat just meowed at me. " Like you can understand me '' I whispered.

I sat in the pouring rain a little while longer before i decided to get up and go ' home '. It was well into the night now and I hoped and prayed to every god and goddess i knew that dad wouldn't be there. I had the orange cat in my arms, it nestled into me and purred. I took my time walking for I was never in a rush to get home. I passed all the bars, clubs, gas stations, convenient stores, and forgoten buildings with slow steps and my head low.

When I got to my apartment building I looked at it in disgust. I slowly climbed the stairs dreading every step. I got to my appartment and slowly opened the door, all the lights were off. I quietly walked in and saw that the tv was on. The floor was littered with empty beer bottles and one half empty beer bottle still in the hand of none other than my dad passed out on the couch. I quickly walked over to my room. I opened the door and swiftly closed it behind me. I grabbed a blanket out of my closet and set it down on the ground. I gently set the fluff of orange down on it. I changed into some ratty and torn pajamas and climbed into bed. You did it Amber you survived another day...but is the price of it worth it...
And with that thought i closed my eyes hoping that the grasp of the dream world with grab me soon for I don't want to deal with another night of dark whispers in my head.

Don't listen, don't cry, don't show weakness

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