Chapter 3 - ...Mom?

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* Flash back *
" hahahah higher momma higher!" She chuckled " if you say so Amber " a sweet smile on my mothers face. It's spring, the flowers are blooming the bees buzzing around kids having picnics under a large oak tree. I was 4 at the time not much taller than waist high. My mom had soft blonde hair that naturally curled toward the bottom and stopped at her shoulders. She picked me off the swing and carried my over to our blanket, my dad sat his book down and smiled " there are my two beautiful girls. " A smile was shared between us all and I jumped out of my moms arms my stubby legs carrying my small body over to him. " Daddy! Daddy! Did you see how high I went?! " a laugh escaped his lips " of course I did sweetie! " Everything was sweet smiles and laughs everything was normal...

A few months after that my mom started to get sick. The air was always sickly and fake. That if you breathed it in you wouldn't be able to breathe it back out. It was always quiet like everything was still. " Daddy where are you going? " " I'm just going to pick up some medicine for your mom " I was confused. A small knock and the small push of a door " momma...? " a worried expression. A tired glance and a fake smile " hey sweetie " I was scared I didn't get what was going on. The air was sticky and foreign to me. I ran out as I heard the hacking coughs, I ran into my room and pulled my covers over my head so I didn't have to hear. Things were strange then I never saw daddy much and when I did he was with momma. He never smiled at me but I know he was really confused as to what happened to momma too.

A few months after when I was sleeping one night I heard the front door slam open. I gotta out of bed and opened my door a bit to see lots of men strapping momma onto a bed and hooking her up to different things. They were all yelling and the room was filled with the blue and red flashing lights from outside. Daddy was holding momma's hand and crying as they rolled her outside. I stood in the door way holding onto my stuffed bear, I was scared. Where was momma going? What was going on?

They took momma to the doctors that night. We visited her a lot, the machines scared me though but the nurse always gave me candy so it wasn't that bad. Momma smiled a lot when we showed up and it was really nice to see her. Daddy usually stayed quiet but always smiled when momma made a joke or called him ugly. Everything was great and for a while it seemed like she was getting better. But the doctors tried a bunch of different things and diagnosed her as things with funny names but it was never it.

.....Momma stopped making jokes...

Momma died one morning, she just didn't wake up. Daddy got the call on the phone that morning, he stayed quiet and just stared at the wall. I didn't know what happened till it was too late. He threw a lamp at the wall, I screamed and he looked at me " She's dead. Your mother is dead...YOUR MOTHER IS DEAD AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! " That was the first time he hit me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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