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pete and mike(vampir) trying new stuff in bed
(aged up)
pete had arrived home late from a party at michael's, and he assumed mike would already be asleep, so he tried to be quiet as he opened the door to their room.
But instead he found mike sprawled out on their bed in nothing but his underwear and a pair of handcuffs around his wrists, binding him to the headboard.
The lights were dimmed, but the two clearly saw each other, made eye contact even. mike looked like he was about to say something seductive, but before anything came out pete immediately turned on his heel out of the room.
"W-wait, pete! Where are you going ?" mike sounded confused and slightly panicked.
"Mike, I gotta be completely honest with you here. I'm pretty buzzed right now, and if I get near you while you're like... that, I don't think I'm gonna be able to hold myself back." pete called, facing away from their bedroom.
There was a silence between the two for a moment before mike spoke up again, sounding almost annoyed. "That's kind of the point."
"I... I said thats the point, per se. Look, we've been together for a while now, and I didn't know how to just casually bring this up, but," mike took a deep breath in. "I want you to be rougher with me. This is the kind of thing I'm into. Do you understand? Please don't make me say anymore."
Again, a silence filled the air. the vampire king laid anxiously, hanging his head, feeling more and more self-conscious about the situation he was in. He was starting to regret his decision when out of the corner of his eye he say the goth slowly turn around and stride back into the room.
He looked up to make full eye contact and saw the wicked smile on pete's face.
"Oh, I get it," pete slowly approached the bed, grin not leaving his lips, and sat down on the edge near mike's legs. "You're into some really fucked up shit, aren't ya, fagula~." pete drew out the nickname in a mocking way.
pete traced shapes onto mike's exposed thighs and continued speaking. "I have to wonder though, have you always been into this kind of thing? Would you do it with anyone? Or -" pete suddenly leaned forward, gipping mikes's thighs hard and looking straight into his eyes. "Is it just because it's me?" He smirked condescendingly before leaning back again, releasing his grip, and standing up.
Looking down on mike from above, pete kicked off his shoes and pulled his hoodie off, talking all the while. "Geez vampqueer, you sure are a pervert, huh?? now here you are, practically begging for me to fuck you hard and rough." pete straddled mike's hips and grinded down onto the vamps hardening erection. "But practically isn't good enough," His hand reached down and pulled at mike's underwear, completely exposing him. pete began gently thumbing mikes dick.
The older teen whimpered at the younger's touch. "pete, please-"
"I'm sorry, what was that? I can't quite here you, vamp" pete lightened his touch even more, barely brushing mike's erection. "You're gonna have to speak loud and clear. What is it you want me to do baby?" pete couldn't even hold back his evil grin as he got off of mike and stood to the side of the bed, slowly unbuckling his jeans.
He smirked at mike as he let his jeans fall to the floor, leaving him only in his underwear and t-shirt. pete's own erection could be seen through the fabric of his underwear, and he caught mike visibly gulp. pete could see the older teen’s fists shaking slightly in the handcuffs, and his skin was tinged with a rosy pink color.
"C'mon mike, I wanna hear you tell me exactly what you want me to do," As pete spoke, he stroked mike's collarbone absentmindedly.
Clenching his eyes shut, mike finally spoke up. "pete, I want you to f-fuck me roughly. I want you to bite me and pull at my hair and make me yours completely."
pete tried to keep his cool, but he couldn't stop his whole body from heating up at mike's request. "Ha, well when you put it like that fucking conformist," pete got back onto the bed, removed mike’s underwear, and hiked one of Mike's legs over his shoulder, earning a surprised yelp from the older teen. "I guess I have no choice but to comply."
pete reached for the side drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube. the vamp watched intently as pete slowly spread the liquid onto his fingers and positioned them at his ass.
At a torturingly slow pace, pete slid a single finger into mike, watching his face the whole time. While prodding, twisting and bending his finger, the goth observed the way mike kept his eyes closed and his fists clenched.
pete quickly moved onto a second and third finger, watching mike squirm and moan.
"Well mikey, what's next?" pete smirked as he stopped his fingers inside of mike. The older teen whined at the sudden loss of friction inside of him.
"pete, please," he cried out, rolling his hips. "Keep going."
"Come on baby, I won't do anything until you beg for it. I wanna hear you say it." The younger boy wore such a wicked expression the vamp knew there was no way around it.
"pete, please, I need you inside me. I need you pounding into me biting me so hard that i bleed and lick my blood making me scream out your name. Fuck me until I can't form words," mike pleaded, his face bright pink.
"Heh, you sound like a conformist whore, begging me to fuck you," pete pulled down his underwear and quickly lined up his dick with mike's entrance. He forced himself into mike quickly, making mike cry out in pain and pleasure. His wrists fought against the handcuffs, but to no avail.
Without hesitation, pete began thrusting in and out of mike rapidly. He leaned forward and tugged at mike's hair, forcing his head to the side and exposing his neck. He bit down into mike's shoulder, to the point of drawing blood and then licked the quick forming bruise with the blood.
mike moaned and panted as pete continued to bite and suck on his neck and chest.
"You sound like a dog in heat," pete breathed out, doing what he could to keep a steady rhythm. He forced his mouth onto mike's and slid his tongue into his mouth.
Their tongues intertwined and wrestled until mike gasped to the side for air. While he was distracted, pete began pumping mike's dick at a similar pace to how be pounded in and out of him.
pete happened to nail mike's prostate and the other teen screamed out his name and tightened his legs around the goth.
pete continued to mercilessly pound at Mike's prostate and pump at his dick.
"P-pete, I'm getting c-close, I'm not gonna make it much lon-" mike felt the heat well up in his abdomen and was just about to cum when Pete stopped his pumping and cut off Mike's near orgasm.
"Not now Mikey," pete panted. "We can’t have you cuming before I'm done. Be a patient conformist."
The tension in Mike welled up painfully and tears slipped from the corner of his eyes. Pete thrust into him several more times before finally releasing himself into Mikes and letting go of his dick.
Mike came all over his and Pete's stomachs, crying out the others name and thrusting his hips deeper onto Pete's dick, riding out their orgasms.
Both were left panting and sweaty as Pete pulled himself out of Mike and flopped to his side.
They just laid there in silence for a minute before Mike spoke up. "The keys for the handcuffs are on the side table.”
"Right," Pete replied as he pushed himself up from the bed to free Mike from his binds.
Mike rubbed his wrists, which were already forming bruises, and the two sat in another silence.
This time, Pete spoke up. "So... how was that?"
"It was great," the vamp smiled at the goth. "I really enjoyed it... what about you? Were you okay with that?" His cheeks flushed at the question.
"Yeah," Pete couldn't make eye contact. "You caught me by surprise, and it was the first time I've done something like that, but it was really good"
Mike smiled warmly. "That's good, I was really worried about asking you to do it, but I'm glad it turned out well! Now, I'm going to go get cleaned up." He stood from the bed on wobbly knees and made his way to the bathroom. "Oh, and Pete," Mike stopped in the door frame but didn't turn around. "Next time we can do more... check the box under the bed." Then he quickly rushed out of the room.
Curious, Pete got off the bed and pulled the box Mike was talking about from under the bed. When he opened it, a deep red heat spread throughout his body. Inside the box was a large variety of "toys" that Mike must have been collecting over the years.
"He really is a conformist pervert," Pete mumbled before deciding he would join the Vampire in cleaning up, and maybe go for a second round while in the shower.

1585 Words hope u liked it <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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