Season 1 Chapter 23 : Agendas

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In the vacuum of space, the Watchtower was in the orbit of the Earth's atmosphere. Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman were in the Watchtower's garden admiring the view.

Wonder Woman: Times like these, one feels the very weight of the world upon us.

All three of them heard footsteps coming up towards them from behind. They all turned around saw Aquaman walking towards them.

Aquaman: Everyone is here.

All four of them walked back inside and were met with the sight off all the members of the Justice League.

Aquaman: Our agenda is clear. What's at stake should not be underestimated.

Superman: The decisions we make today will reverberate for years to come.

Wonder Woman: And influence whether or not the world continues to put their trust in the Justice League.

Batman: We have work to do.

Everyone took a seat around a table and small holographic screens began to appear infront of them.

Martian Manhunter: Another expansion of the League could generate hostilities of our enemies. No one needs or wants another Injustice League.

Superman: Point taken. But the option remains to vote no on all candidates. So, I nominate Icon for League membership.

Green Arrow: Why? Because you suspect Icon might be Kryptonian like you did with Captain Marvel?

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Green Arrow: Why? Because you suspect Icon might be Kryptonian like you did with Captain Marvel?

Captain Marvel: *happily* You thought I was Kryptonian? Cool.

Wonder Woman: *to Superman* Icon interests me also. As does his protégé, Rocket.

Wonder Woman: Athena knows that the league could use more female members

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Wonder Woman: Athena knows that the league could use more female members.

Black Canary: Agreed.

Hawk Girl: Hear, hear. 

The sudden outburst from the female members caused some awkwardness between some of the male members.


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