Season 1 Chapter 7 : Infiltrator

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M'gann, Superboy, Robin and Kaldur were outside of the cave on the beach.

M'gann: Hello Megan! We should hit the beach everyday.

Robin: First a moment of silence for our absent comrades.

M'gann: Poor Wally and Y/n.


In Central City the school bell rings at Keystone Highschool.

Teacher: Welcome, class, to the first day of sophomore year.

Wally and Y/n sink down into their chairs and groan.


The rest of the team were playing in the water. Robin and M'gann were splashing each other playfully until Conner did a cannonball in the water.


The scene changes to Wally standing infront of a water cooler. The pressure of the water was weak and uneven and it sprayed him in the face. He looked down to see that his pants were wet and let out a groan. A few minutes later Y/n turned into Heatblast to dry Wally's pants.


The team were all eating hotdogs together. M'gann, Superboy and Kaldur were eating the hotdogs in buns but Robin just ate the sausage by itself.


Back with Wally who was in the cafeteria getting his lunch. He had an apple, a small cookie and slop. He groaned and looked over to see that Y/n was being surrounded by girls who made him lunches and trying to give them to him all at once.


The team was playing volleyball. Kaldur threw the ball in the air and hit to Superboy who hit it to M'gann who jumped in the air and spiked it.


Wally was in the gymnasium playing dodgeball. He got hit in the face with a dodgeball and looked up to see who hit him in the face and saw a certain four armed alien smirking at him with four volleyballs in each of his hands.


The scene changes to M'gann, Superboy and Kaldur were burying a sleeping Superboy wearing Robin's glasses in the sand.


The school bell rang and Wally and Y/n ran out.



It was evening now and Wally went to the cave with beach gear all over him while Y/n ust went in his regular costume.

Wally: The Wall-man is here. Now let's get this party start-

Wally ran forward but tripped letting the ball bounce and Red Tornado and Batman stare at him.

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