All in the mind

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The next morning Jungkook awoke first. He gazed at the small boy next to him, an arm stretched up to hold Jungkooks  neck, his head tilted up towards Jungkook giving a perfect view of his plump pouty lips. Jungkook couldn't get enough of him and leaned down to kiss those lips.
Jimin stirred his eyes fluttering open, he caught Jungkook staring at him and blushed.
"M-morning Kookie"
"Good morning baby, how are you."
"Fine......,I will stop being such a wuss,"
"It's understandable that you were scared, your not a wuss!!"
Jimin pecked him on the lips causing Jungkook to kiss him back with a lot more passion rolling Jimin onto his back and grinding down on him.
"Fuck Jimin you are such an adorable little boyfriend look what you do to me!!
Jimins face went redder as he felt Jungkooks bulge against him.
""K-Kookie we should get up,"
"I am up , can't you feel?" His eyes darkened as he gazed at the small boy under him.
"I think Erm we should......."
Jimin was flustered he knew what would happen if he stayed there but he felt stress from the day before seep in.
"Hey, don't get yourself worked up, I'm not gonna force you to do anything, okay?"
Jungkook lay back pulling Jimin against his side rubbing his back gently.
"I'm sorry Kookie, I just, I don't know I feel like I'm waiting for something bad to happen......"
"Jimin, don't stress yourself, we have all the time in the world for us."
A knock on the door made them sit up calling come in. RM and Jin came in.
"Hi you two..., so we wanted to talk about yesterday?
"So you said you had checked your bag already and it wasn't there?"
"Yes that's right,"
"So security checked the cameras from when you walked in until you left, we can see someone hovering around the area your bag was in, we then checked camera angles and found that same person staring at you then going to your bag."
"Great so you have them who is it?"
"It's Chang, and he's disappeared,"
"What,are you sure he doesn't seem the type..." Jimin said.
"Yer he's so friendly," Jungkook said.
"We don't know why but we are sure it's him, now I'm sorry to say Jimin but we still have practice are you ok? At least we know who it is and he can't get in without someone noticing."
Jungkook held Jimins hand," he's fine let us get ready and we will meet you outside.
Everyone was at the practice studio, Jimin was totally focused on the dance moves trying to forget about the day before.
The choreographer called a break, Jimin telling Jungkook he wouldn't be long as he needed the bathroom of course a security guy followed, a cleaner was in the bathroom mopping the floor, Jimin apologised but said he needed to go, he told the security to wait outside so they wouldn't all ruin the man's clean floor,
"I'm sorry for stepping in the wet floor "jimin said to the man in a blue boiler suit and cap with a mask , grey hair showing, the man just nodded pushing his big trolley full of rubbish bags near to the door spraying some cleaning stuff onto a cloth to clean. Jimin was washing his hands when a cloth covered his mouth and nose, he felt faint and blacked out.
The cleaning man pushed the trolley out, security looking at him, he walked like an old man and wafted his hand in front of his face, mumbling,
"sheesh what has that boy eaten, I'll clean elsewhere!"
The security guard smiled as the man pushed the trolley to the lift and disappeared.
Ten minutes passed, the guard was wondering if he should see if Jimin was ok, knocking on the door he announced his presence going in.
The bathroom was empty, the guard immediately got on the radio to the rest of security giving them the information on the only other person he had seen.
The room with all the cameras around the building was monitored, everyone checking for a sighting,
"There !!!!!"Jungkook yelled.
They all saw a camera pick up the man getting off the lift with the trolley , he pushed it to a red car where he opened the boot, throwing rubbish bags from the trolley they saw him lift out Jimin who was unconscious , he was thrown into the boot , duck tape wrapped around his wrist and ankles, the boot was slammed shut and the male pulled of his cap and a grey wig, they saw Chang very clearly.
"Come on we have to save Jimin they can't be far."
"Security will deal with it, we can't do anything Jungkook, but keep out of their way,"
"But it's Jimin, he'll be scared!!"
"Kook we are all worried but cctv cameras are everywhere around the town they will find him , now pack up quickly we need to get to the dorm and wait."
Jungkook angrily strode to get his stuff the walked to the lift waiting for the others, they better find his Jimin soon.

Jimins eyes opened, he felt groggy, he went to move but found himself tied to a chair.
"Oh your awake,"
"Chang?what are you doing?"
"Don't call my name you slut, do you think I haven't seen how you force yourself on my Jungkook? It should be me with him, but your always there, I see how you pushed yourself into his life, I'm a better dancer than you and he talks to me all the time, he will come to me if your not around, I know he wants me."
"Chang, they know it's you, Kookie will never be with you???"
Slap! Jimins head jerked back." Don't say things like that..., he will be told I had to go out of town , that I wasn't here when you left!"
"They have you on camera putting that in my bag."
"What No your saying that to annoy me."
Jimins lip was bleeding, " you won't get away with it, everyone knows it's you.
Chang's face changed, he looked almost manic as he screamed at Jimin slapping and punching him.
"It's all your fault, he should have been mine not yours, I'm prettier, I love him, I can make him want me, I just need to get rid of you."
Jimin shook his head, looking around the dilapidated building he was was a big old warehouse, it looked like it should be condemned.
"Chang, just give yourself up, don't make this worse for yourself." Jimins head hurt from the punches and slaps he'd received, but he wasn't going to give in to the other.
"Nobody will find you until it's too late, you'll die here, then I'll have Jungkook."
"Your delusional you should get help,"
"I don't want to hear you!!" His rant was stopped when cars screeched to a halt outside.
"What....,no they can't have, did.....?"
"A tracker in my phone idiot ,"
"No,no this isn't how it's supposed to be...,"
Security moved in, Chang looked around wildly, then ran up some rusty stairs, security running in and chasing him.
Jimin was untied and helped up , just as they heard a scream as the floor above caved in and Chang landed in a heap his neck at an awkward angle.
Jimin was shocked , he waited with security for the police to come, giving his statement before being driven away by security, his mind in turmoil, someone had died because of him........

The dorm door opened everyone shooting to their feet, the in call doctor walked in Jimin looking dazed and beaten beside him, a security guard walking to RM to relay what had gone on.
The doctor took Jimin to his room, Jungkook following, the doctor told him to wait, but Jimin shook his head," I want him here."
The doctor cleaned Jimin up putting cream on his wounds and telling Jimin he was likely to have a black eye . He made sure Jimin was ok and told him to rest.
Once the doctor left Jungkook hugged the small boy to him," Jiminee I was really worried, I'm glad they found you and caught him."
"He's dead Kookie"
"He's dead and it's my fault, he wanted me out of the way to get you, said I was always pushing myself at you, if I didn't he would still be alive, it's my fault....,the ceiling caved in and he fell his neck broke,"
Jimin rocked back and forth quietly sobbing," no, don't ever say that it's not your fault, he had a problem, security have given us info, Chang wasn't even his real name, he was a conman, he had aliases , why he chose to be in a dance troupe I don't know, obsessed maybe, security found loads of pictures of me on his apartment wall."
Jimin sniffed," it was horrible to see someone die though Kookie," he hugged onto Jungkook who pulled them both down on the bed so he could pat Jimins back as the small boy hiccuped and sniffed against him. Jimin relaxed against the other and his snuffs lessened, Jungkook kept his arm around him cuddling him as Jimin fell into a deep exhausted sleep

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