Jacob & Chris's Plan

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*After 30 minutes*

Emily: Jacob, can you buy us all some ice cream please.

Jacob: Yes of course. *he rushes out the door* Finally I'm out of here, now to the base. *20 minutes later*

Chris: Guys, time for lunch *Jacob comes rushing*

Jacob: phew, hi *breathing heavily*

Noah: Hi, what do you want.

Jacob: I come in peace I don't need anymore consequences, I learned what I did.

Chris: What consequences? did something happen?

Jacob: I think I said to much.

Aiden: Hey guys, Jacob???

Jacob: I'm getting a call, hold on *answers phone* Hey Emily

Emily on the phone: WHERE IS OUR ICE CREAM?????

Jacob: I'm gonna get it soon just needed to talk to a friend for a few minutes.

Emily on the phone: YOU CAN TALK ABOUT IT LATER!!!!

Jacob: Not again please

Emily on the phone: THEN GO GET IT!!!!

Jacob: Ok, ok gees no yelling.

Chris: Ummmm, ok???

Jacob: Talk later, have to go.

Noah: Ok? *20 min later*

Jacob: I'm here.

Max: Finally, gimme.

Emily: What took you so long??

Jacob: I said, I had to talk to a friend of mine.

Emily: Who is this friend of yours??

Jacob: Uh it's, ummm, Michael

Emily: Who is Michael?? I wanna meet him.

Jacob: He's really bad with new people.

Emily: Then why don't you call him??

Jacob: Sure, I'll talk to him outside though it's a private conversation.

Emily: When you are finished with the private conversation, I want to meet him.

Jacob: Sure. *rushes to the base* Hi guys I really need your help!!! like really bad!!!!

Chris: Sure what's the problem?

Jacob: Well I told Emily I was talking to a friend called Michael but, I kinda lied to get out of trouble and I know Emily wants to meet this Michael guy.

Chris: Then why don't I get in a disguise of someone.

Jacob: But how will I show me and him together at the same time????

Chris: I said, I will be in the disguise.

Jacob: thanks *hugs Chris* but you might have to change your voice.

Chris: That will be no problem for me.

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