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"hurry up." lexy said impatiently as she trudged up the muddy hill.

"do we have to do this?" jake asked and he dragged his feet behind her.

"yeah my feet are hurting." devon stated.

"weve been walking for 10 minutes?" junior said as he turned around and waited at the top of the hill.

the 4 were going on a hike. lexy insisted as she said it was "trust building", or something.

jake didn't understand this as he trusted his friends quite a bit.

"how much longer?" devon asked impatiently,

"this is a 30 minute long trail, and weve been walking for barely 10. you do the math dev." junior said as he linked his hand with lexys.

jake saw the couple in front of hims interaction and his face got red.

they walked in silence for a couple moments before jake felt devons hand entwine with his own.

his face got red for the seccond time that minute but he played it off as it being too hot outside.

they were finally making their way back down the hill they previously walked up

the silence continued, each of them were enjoying the other company

in silence.

it continued for a few minutes before lexy slipped, causing junior to fall and slide down the hill aswell.

jakes head jerked up at the sound of lexy squealing.

he saw them falling down the hill and their clothes getting all muddy.

him and devon stopped and watched, giggling occasionally at the sight of their friends tumbling down the hill infront of them.

as lexy and junior stopped rolling and got back onto their feet, lexy looked down and moved her hair out of her face.

"what. the. fuck!" she pouted and looked up, genuinely trying not to cry.

"its just mud?" junior said as he got up and faced her.

"on my new lulu lemon leggings and shirt! these were so expensive!" she shouted and turned her head to face him.

jake and devon turned to eachother and laughed and lexys outburst.

lexy and junior continued to bicker and jake and devon slowly made their way down the hill, trying to avoid the slippery spots.

once they got down, lexy was still complaining about the mud all over her and junior was laughing.

"okay, are we ready to continue?" devon asked

"yes. lets please continue." junior said as he grabbed lexys hand and started dragging her behind him.

the pairs immersed into their own conversations, lexy and juniors being about the price of designer clothes. and jake and devons being about school art projects.

5 minutes later, once they finished the trail, they called their parents to pick them up.

devons mum came first,

as they saw her pull up, jake pulled devon into a hug and kissed his forehead before he got into the vehicle.

then lexys mum came, they said their goodbyes as lexy was still upset about the mud.

and then juniors dad came to get jake and junior.


so uh im sorry for not updating

i genuinely have no ideas so pls comment requests because i almost forgot entirely about this.

also im really sorry for only 400 words, my chapters are usually over 1k but 🤷🏻‍♀️

ily so much and im so sorry for not updating

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