how you met

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- you met when you saw his ad for chucky online, you replied quickly only to find out you live really close. that sparked the talking stage and eventually your first date.

-a discord server for true crime/ paranormal theories, you guys mets up after talking for about a month. (LMAO)

you and junior met after his dad got mad at your parent for accidentally cutting a line in a fast food place. while your parents argued, you and him introduced yourselves, apologized for your parents behaviour, and exchanged snapchats.

-you both got invited to one of lexys parties, you remember because you remember how jealous junior was that lexy was all over oliver. you got sick of him moping around all night so you went up to talk to oliver. it made junior happy, and you got to talk to a super cute guy.

-you met while you were shopping at a new store in the mall, you both wanted the same thing, but there was only one in the size both of you shared. you gave it to her, and in exchange, she gave you her number.

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