Part 1, JJ'S pov

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That's John B- my best friend since 3rd grade- I sometimes stay at his house since he's dads been "missing" at sea. The group thinks he's dead but we don't want to say it to hurt John B so we say "'maybe he'll come back you know?"

That's Pope- smartest of the group, he's always on and on about school and tests. He's the one we can call when we're in a problem that includes maths and science and all that garbage.

That's Kie - Her real name is Kiara but we call her Kie as a nickname. She is a technically a kook (rich) but always wants to be like us, we're Pogues (poor)

Summer Break
Friday July 27th, 9 am
I wake up on a random couch, with a terrible headache. I look next to me and Pope, Kiara and John B are all sleeping- well I think there sleeping?- next thing I know John B wakes up and walks to the kitchen. I realize we're at Kiras dads restaurant (the wreck).

I glance around the room and see multiple
beers, some standing and some on there sides. Pope wakes up and looks around. "You guys are definitely having a massive head ache for days, not me I didn't drink" he says with a nerdy grin on his face. "Oh shut up man, have some fun in your school and stress life!" John B jokes.

                             ~At John B's~

Then Sarah Cameron -Kook princess, John B's girlfriend- walks in and sit next to John B hugging him. Kiara sits with Pope and I'm like always sat on a chair alone. Sarah glances over at my direction and says "JJ I have a friend called Y/n you would get along with, she's just like you!"

I give her a look and say "wow, another Kook princess for me to hang with?"John B gives me a look like I just offended his girlfriend. Sarah says "no actually she's a Pogue I met her at the store my dad use to go to all the time!" Kiara must of saw my look and smiled "a pogue for jj to be with? Wow never thought a girl would be like jj!" Everyone laughs apart from me. Sarah replies "I'll text her to come over. Mind if I give her your address Vlad?" -Vlads a nickname they called each other for "a secret mission"- John b nods. Sarah's phone starts making noises as she texts away for her friend to come.
***10 minutes later***
A girl knocks on the door and says "sup! How r y'all? Im y/n!" My head immediately looks up as she talks just like me. She's dirty blonde, 16 years old, hazel eyes. I spring of my chair and say "hey y/n, I'm JJ!" God I sound so cringey.
Y/n looks at me smiles and says "hey! Nice to meet you."

The others introduce there selves and I feel weird, I've never felt anything like this about a girl before. Kiara and Pope are hugging in a blanket and so are John b and Sarah. Y/n looks around and then leans her head on my shoulder, I looked down and smile it feels like we're been friends forever. I lean my head on hers as we all watch the movie.

                               ***Later on***
Everyone leaves and John B goes to his room after saying goodbye, Y/n starts to walk out the door as I say "hey y/n wait up!" She turns around and looks at me, she smiles and says "oh hey JJ can I walk with you since it's dark, I'm not a big fan of walking home alone in the dark?" I smile and say "of course I'll walk you home." I notice her shiver so I take off my slightly ripped jacket and put it round her and put my gloves on her hands, I can feel her freezing skin.

We stand outside y/n's home and she looks at it and says "I hate going in here." I look at her confused and say "huh? Why it's your own home" I don't tell her about my abusive dad or my messy house, I choose to leave it out. Y/n says "well since my brother, Hunter never stops yelling at everyone, I dislike coming back here." I look at the time and say "well it's 9pm and they don't know your back right?" She looks around and replies with "nope, doesn't look like they know I'm back." I grab her hand and we both run to the distance. We sneak into John B's put on a movie and get some snacks and spend the whole night together, gosh I feel like I have known her my whole life.

                            ***later on***
We hear banging around and it must be John b I say "probably John B if we act asleep he'll go back to his room." Me and y/n fake sleep. I peek through one eye a small bit and see a glance of john B putting the snacks away, turning the movie off and putting a blanket over us then leaves the room. "I love how he treats his friends like family and lets us stay whenever!" Y/n whispers.

I look at y/n and smile, god I just want to be with her. Y/n looks at me and smiles and says "what!?" I say "let's go on a boat ride with the gang tmrw?" Y/n replies with "sure, can I invite my long lost sis bethy who I met back in Charleston?" I reply with "of course, if I can bring my new stepbrother called Lucas?" Y/n replies with hmm maybe they'll be best friends or something to!" I smile and we both fall asleep.

Next morning, 8am, at dock.
Everyone hops onto the boat and Lucas and bethy meet, they look at each other and both blush. I look at Y/n and start smiling. Everyone must of seen me looking and her smiling because they all say let's play ship or dip. Obviously the first names then call out are jj and y/n, the whole gang shouts "SHIPPPPP, JJ MAKE A MOVE!!!!" Y/n laughs and looks at me sat near the front of the boat. The next names are bethy and Lucas the whole gang shouts "SHIPPPPPP" they laugh. Bethy has long dirty blonde hair like her sister, y/n but unlike y/n bethy has greenish- blue eyes.

The girls are all fishing near the other end of the boat and John B says "JJ, that's it tell us so we can help you, who do you like?"

The girls are all fishing near the other end of the boat and John B says "JJ, that's it tell us so we can help you, who do you like?"

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I point at y/n, "y/n it's always been her. I'm way to nervous to ask but I'm going to try after the boat ride."John B and Pope say "good luck man." Then walk to the girls. Y/n sits next to me and puts her head on my shoulder again. She says "so peaceful isn't it? The water. The sun. The friend group." I reply with "ye it gets my mind of everything bad, that's why John B likes the water to, it makes him feel close to his dad as-well." Y/n says "cut to the chase." I look at her confused but embarrassed Incase she knows.

Y/n says "I know you like me your best friend, John B told me and told me to come talk to you... why didn't you tell me JJ, I reall-" I cut her off and says "I know you don't like me that's why I didn't tell you, you don't have to tell me you don't like me I already know..." I look down at my feet. She says "No stupid, I do." I hug her and kiss her on the forehead. Sarah says "oh look now JJ has a girlfriend! Wooooo" the whole gang cheers and laughs.   Y/n says "i guess so" *you laugh*

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