Chapter 1- In the office

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Dear journal,
My counselor and my mother are making me right in you. As I'm writing right now i see the counselor reading over my shoulder. He told me to write exactly what I'm thinking and feeling. So i guess i will. Im not a big fan of Mr.mark. He's not a very good counselor, because he makes me feel guilty and makes me feel bad about depression. And then he says i have anger issues. when he tells me that he makes me want to set fire to small children at the park. Now he's walking away.

I set down my note book. My plan worked. He sat down in his chair and stared at me. He had a little fear in his eyes. I gazed off and then gave a grin.
"Ok Halliey i think thats enough for today." he said getting up and opening the door.
I hated that I had to be creepy in order to leave counseling. But at the same time, Im gonna be in there for a while because they probably think I'm mental. And Im not really. I have depression and social anxiety. I like children and would probably never set fire to one.
I see my "mom" in the waiting room. Me and her are not on good terms right now. Shes, well... i guess you could say verbally abusive. I told the counselor and he told my "mom". And she denied it. She glared at me.
" Your out early..."she said looking at her watch.
She stared at the notebook and quickly snatched it. She opened it and read what i just wrote.
I stood there blankly.
"Ugh Halliey there gonna call the cops on you. cant you try to do this you mental emo kid" she whispered violently to me.
I walked out the door and headed to the car.
"Nope. your going to walk. you need to think about what you said and how u acted.And get that hair out of your face. and wear something other then band shirts." she complained again.
"Im not under your roof am i? I'm not going to be." i ran away.
She rolled her eyes and got in the car. She didn't care where i was. Most parents would have chased me down or have punished me. she just leaves. I wish she would hit me again. Like she used to.
I didn't know where i was headed. So i went to the woods. i walked on the path a looked at the ground and the little bit of snow that was still on there. I kept walking until i ran into something.... Or someone...

A/N: hi my monsters. so sorry this chapter was a little slow. but i promise it gets better. plz comment rate and follow. Love u <3

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