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•~Sierra's P.O.V~•
I stood next to Miguel as Sensei was talking to recruits. Sensei's 'friend', John Kreese, kept staring at me. He looked, sorta pissed but I couldn't be sure why.

"Now, who has the balls to take on the champ?" I opened my mouth to say that I would, but Sensei glared at me.

"A new recruit, Sierra." I had to hold back my eye roll. It had been a while since I'd gone up against Miguel, but I knew I could beat him. Despite what Sensei thought.

"I'll take him on." I turned and saw a girl.

She walked into the dojo, and I felt my face go hot, like a burning hot. She was blonde with blue eyes, her hair was down giving her a casual look. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

Why did I feel like this? I'd felt like this before, but never about a girl.

"Oh, you will, huh?" Sensei asked, walking to the girl.

"I saw your little demo at Valley Fest." She looked at me, causing me to quickly look away. My face got even hotter than before. Everything about her was hot. Her voice, her hair, her eyes. I felt my eyes furrow.

What was I thinking?

I thought. This was a girl. I wasn't homophobic at all, but I hadn't ever thought of a girl like that. Or maybe I did and didn't realize it.

"You guys can put on a show. Can you really fight?" She asked with a slight scoff ending her sentence.

"That sounds like a challenge," Sensei said.

"I like a challenge." The girl added.

"Mr. Diaz." Miguel perked up. "Show little Miss Hotshot here what Cobra Kai is all about." I finally looked up as Sensei walked past me.

We all moved to the side of the room, and I was beside Hawk. She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back.

"Look are you sure you wanna-" Miguel started, but the girl kicked his stomach. He chuckled. "Alright, game on."

The whole thing went down pretty fast. She was pretty good, I knew she'd be even better as a Cobra. Way better than me.

"My name's Miguel." I felt slightly jealous that Miguel got the first shot at talking to her. She seemed hella cool, someone I'd like to be around.

"Tory." She answered grabbing his hand and flipping him on his back. "With a 'y'." She smirked.


I stood with Aisha in the small store next to the dojo. Her phone pinged and I looked over her shoulder. She sighed.

"Let me guess, a dick pic?" I heard Tory's voice and my stomach flipped.

"No, my mom wants me to go to the beach club with her." My phone pinged too. It was from my dad.

"Oh my god, that sounds so miserable." Tory joked.

Dad👿: we're at the beach club, if you wanna come I've already paid for you. Sam & Robby are here too.

"No, it's just that this girl Sam is probably gonna be there and she and I are not on good terms." I sighed.

"Yeah, she's gonna be there." She looked at me. "My Dad just texted." Aisha sighed heavily.

I looked at Tory but quickly looked back at my phone.

"Whatever, I'm Aisha by the way." She smiled.

Sierra:idk if I'll come but I'll tell you if I do come

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now