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Daisie Villa can't help but worry about her daughter, Annalise, whose decision to remain in Miami with Rosie, rather than move to LA with now ex-boyfriend Adrian Webb, is, to put it mildly, complicated. It's clear that her baby loves 'El Chocolatito Delicioso' with all of her heart, that's obvious. Daisie worries because of Rosie's recent kidney his heart, and breathing issues: will he die young and leave Annalise a widow for the second time? His 1-year-old son Fatherless? The feelings of guilt mingle with a host of others-hope that Rosie's sheer force of will, his relentless optimism she prays that this new baby and new relationship will be the impetus for him to fight even harder...TO LIVE!

Donna calls, asking that they meet for tea, and Daisie agrees. "I know too well what you are going through, Daisie. Beaumont Sr and I endured the first predictions of 'prepare yourself for him not lasting past age 3', then age 5, and so on. What those early experiences taught his Father and I is that our Son is the stubbornest, most determined, strongest person we know. He WILL live, Daisie, because he MUST. For his Wife, and Child."

Daisie smiles. "I get that impression. It's as if...he has this force that can't be denied. He makes one believe that everything will be fine-and I want to believe: I do believe him. As a MOTHER, though, and GrandMother now-Annalise has been years getting over the death of her first husband and having found dear Rosie lose could happen."

"The medical profession, among others, has bet against my boy from birth. He'll be forty years old soon. He's still winning, Comadre."

"Then I'll trust him, because I trust YOU, Comadre. I trust God."

"Alrighty-let's go and see that baby!"


"Tan precisoso-that means so precious" Daisie translated for the Rosewoods.

"She is that" Donna agrees."

Beaomont Sr said to his wife "We have to learn Spanish, Grandma. And we have the perfect instructor." He smiled warmly at Annalise, who giddily returned his grin.

"And Daisie!" Villa's mother interjected.

His father arrives just in time for Ledosito to succumb to his Abuelita's soothing lullaby:

Aruru mi niña, arrurú mi amor...Aruru pedazo de mi corazón (Aruru my baby, aruru my love, Aruru little piece of my heart). Este niña lindo que nació de día-Quiere que lo lleven a la dulcería (This pretty baby who was born during the day, Wants to be taken to the candy shop)...

Aruru mi niño, aruru mi amor...ruru pedazo de mi corazón (Aruru my baby, aruru my love, Aruru little piece of my heart) Este niña lindoa que nació de noche-Quiere que lo lleven a pasear en coche (This pretty baby who was born at night, wants to be taken for a stroller ride)...

"Debe de ser un sueño magnifico" (this has to be a magnificent dream) Villa whispers against her man's chest. "We're almost complete."

"Amost?" He smirks.

"Si: I want two or three more."

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