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Lu Biyu woke up in a daze, looking around him he didn't immediately realize where he is.The unfamiliar interior of the bed where he is lying and the design that was full of red that made his head hurt. He woke up completely when he remembered he got married yesterday.The person beside him stirred because of his actions. The prince opened his eyes and found that Lu Biyu was looking at him.He smiled and sat up.

"Did you sleep well?" Longwei asked him but he didn't answer immediately because the event last night came back to him.

He looked at him with his charcoal  narrowed eyes and looked away in an instant.

Ha! I can't believe nothing happened last night! I'm kind of disappointed.

Ah! What am I thinking? Disappointed my ass. It's good that nothing happened last night because I'm not ready to do those things.

He slapped his face so  hard that it left a print of his fingers. It gives Longwei a start because of his bold actions.

"Why are you hurting yourself? Let me see." The prince said and inspected his reddened face. He looked at Lu Biyi with worry filled eyes." Do you hate me? Is that why you're starting to hurt yourself? Am I not still forgiven?" The prince ask question by question 

Lu Biyu just looked at the prince and sighs as the words that the prince said last night are circulating his head over and over.

"I know that you're not ready. So I won't do anything to you until you're ready."

"Why? Because I don't want to hurt you. Because if I force you you'll get hurt and I know you will get mad at me. I don't want you to be mad at me."

"I won't force you."

He  wanted to ask him if he really meant what he said last night. He really badly wanted to ask but he stopped himself before he blurted it out.

He drag his tired body to stood up getting ready to start a day with his new status. He looked back to the second prince who didn't get an answer to his questions for a while.

After a while the two of them walk out of their chamber but before Lu Biyu steps outside the prince pulls him to embrace and buries his head to the crook of Lu Biyu's neck.Without warning the prince kisses and nibbles to Lu Biyu's neck. Lu Biyu got frozen in his place, not moving an inch.

Longwei removed his head and looked at his wangfei who got frozen in place." Sorry, I need to leave an evidence that we did the deed last night." Saying that he brushes his thumb to Lu Biyu's now bruised neck.

Lu Biyu snapped out of his trance and just nodded his head and quickly walked out the room.

The prince looked at his back slowly fading from his sight he sigh and follows his wangfei


"Do we really need to enter the palace and pay respect to the emperor and empress?" Lu Biyu asked for the ninth time and also for the ninth time the prince just nodded his head and continued looking out.

The prince didn't get an answer for his questions a while ago so he thinks that Lu Biyu is still mad at him for lying.

While Lu Biyu is thinking on how to avoid those bothersome consorts and concubines at the palace and at the second prince manor.

"We can just go back and come back tomorrow if you want." He looked at the second prince. He wanted to nod his head but he also thought that he would be on the bad side of the two majesty if he didn't pay his respect after he married the prince so he shook his head and he gave the prince a small smile.

The prince looked at the smile that plastered to his wangfei face. It looks sincere but for him it looks like a reluctant smile. He thought maybe he should do something to ease the anger of his wangfei.He didn't want a marriage with the two of them not in the same boat.

So he asked." Wangfei, Can I ask you a question." He looked at his wangfei with his serious face and using his serious tone. "Perhaps…...perhaps you don't want to get married to me?"His wangfei looked at him shocked and panicked. 

"What are you talking about?! If I really don't want to get married to you. Do you think you would see me on our wedding day?!" Lu Biyu said not believing that the prince asked a stupid question.The prince looked at him and pull him to a hug.

Lu Biyu patted the back of the prince, whispering." If the question that you really want to ask is if I'm still mad the answer is no. So don't think of that nonsense. I can't believe a prince like you would act like this." He said now facing the prince who looked miserable.

"Wangye, wangfei we have arrived."

The two fixed themselves and looked at each other. The first one who steps out of the carriage is the second prince and reaches his hand to help his wangfei to go down the carriage.

"The emperor and the empress are already in the throne room, Your Highness." A eunuch said and led them the way to the throne room.

Paying respect or visiting really is not a Lu Biyu thing. All he did when they entered the throne room was sip his tea reply when asked and nothing more.

He became a transparent human being because he didn't even lift his head if you didn't talk to him. He just eats and sips anything that the servant serves to him. While the prince and the emperor and empress talked about some matters that he didn't understand.

A while ago the empress gave him a hairpin and a pearl. He just set it aside and didn't even give a second glance. He is not a woman that when you give him anything he would flatter you to no end. He knows the attitude of an empress really well. Because when he is still in the modern world he loves to read historical novels and he hates a lot of empresses that he can name them all.

He snapped off his own world when the prince held his hand under the table. He looked at the prince and lifted his left brow. The prince just helped him to stand up and the two of them gave their last bow and walked out of the throne room to go home.

The empress who didn't get a word with the new wangfei suppressed her anger. 

While the emperor looked so happy because finally his son from his beloved found his happiness. He looked at the empress beside him and snorted. He stood up and also walked away.

Go inform my son and brother to start planning on what to do. The bastard second prince already has a weakness. We can seize this opportunity. Did they really think that I would just give up this throne to them? This throne belongs to me and my son and no one else." The empress ordered her personal maid to relay the message to his brother and son, the first prince.

"Your Majesty, are you sure that the emperor plans to pass the throne to the second prince?" Her other trusted maid asked her.

"Do you really think I will start the plan if I'm not sure? That emperor said that he would give the throne to my son but look at him now. He is starting to see the second prince in another light because he has his wangfei now."




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