Chapter 3: Nurse Luca

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*Sora's pov*

Light insisted that he goes in first before. I followed him and I could immediately see Alex making a meal for herself. Me and Light tried to just walk off like nothing happened since Alex is used to us coming home around this time. Oh I was wrong.

"Hey Sora, could you come here?"

"Ok Alex," I said as normally as possible. Alex was like the mom figure of the squad. She keeps everyone in check. Especially Jaxx because he always tries to take over the squad which you know, he fails every time.

"Your knee is bleeding you know that right?"

"Ya I sorta kinda fell while skateboarding" I could hear her sigh.

"Go to Lucas room, they might have something to help you," she said so naturally. She was as chaotic as the rest of us but she always cared deeply for us.

"Thank you Alex bye!" I said running off to Lucas room. I quickly glanced behind me to see Alex talking to Light. She didn't look annoyed or anything so that's good.

*Jaxx's pov*

I wanted to get a snack cus I was STARVING. I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab food when I saw Sora run pass me. What a weirdo. I continued walking until I saw Light and Alex just chatting. I waved to them and opened the cabinets.

I didn't mean too but I kinda eavesdropped on what they were saying.

"Light did Sora really fall? I don't know the bleeding seems a bit too intense," I don't know why but I kept listening. It was just about stupid Sora anyways why should I care.

"Yes he did Alex, what else would you think?" He said trying to sound truthful which you know, clearly wasn't. I stopped eavesdropping and grabbed a bag of potato chips.

*Sora's pov*

I knocked on Luca's door hoping for a quick response. I could see he was texting someone when opening the door.

"What's up Sora," I wanted to respond but I could see him touching my cheek. I was startled by their sudden movement.

"Your bleeding just a little bit there buddy," Luca wanted to be a nurse when he was a kid so I should off have expected them to nitpick every single injury he could see.

"That's why I came to see you my dear friend," I responded as I pointed to my knee.

"Well you're in luck! I wanted to be a nurse since I was a kid, so I have all the first aid stuff nearby," he said while grabbing my arm and walking towards my room.

*Jaxx's pov*

I was about to head to my room when I quickly glanced at Luca's room. Luca was touching Sora's cheek. What are they doing?? I felt a bit of anger inside of me but I wasn't completely sure why though.

When I went inside my room and placed the potato chips on my table, I remembered something. Wasn't Sora like injured or something? Maybe that's why Luca was touching his cheek. I wanted to see if Sora was actually hurt. I never know whats going on with him.

*Sora's pov*

I opened the door to my room and sat on the edge of my bed.

"I will be right back Sora! I need to grab my supplies,"

"That sounds intimidating but alright."

They left me alone in the room. While I waited, I just took out my phone. I was scrolling down through Instagram when I saw Jaxx opening the door to my room. I just ignored him. He's going to tease me about falling or something. I don't feel like dealing with that right now. He sat next to me on my bed.

"Sora?" Jaxx spoke.

"What??" I replied a bit too harshly.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes now leave me alone, you're going to make my knee bleeding worse,"

"That's not how it wo-"

"NURSE LUCA TO THE RESCUE" I heard Luca screaming as he barged in my room. He looked at Jaxx in a confused look.

"Well, goodbye Jaxx!" Luca pulled Jaxx and pushed him out of my room. I smile and giggled as Luca opens his first aid kit. It actually looked like a normal first aid kit! Luca is so unpredictable, anything could happen with them.

"The bleeding mostly stopped but let's just clean the cut with some soap and warm water!" Luca had a wet cloth and put it on my knee. It kinda hurt but it was defiantly manageable. Then I saw him take out the antibiotic cream.

"Heads up this is gonna hurt" They warned me before applying the cream on my wound. It hurt so much, it was so painful. Maybe I was so distracted by the pain that I didn't notice Luca had already put a bandaged over a knee. He also put a band aid on my face.

"You know Luca my knee is alright. I don't think you need a fancy bandage just cus I fell over," Luca looked at me like I was a mad man.

"You can never know if an injury is serious or not! This is just for protection," He spoke seriously. I smiled at them. It's great to have a friend watch can over your back anytime.

"Of course nurse Luca how could I forget."

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