Backstory (please read)

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Hello, my dear wattpadders!

Wow, it's been a long time. I don't know if this app is still alive and thriving. I hope it is! But since I'm already planning to post this story for free on my Facebook page, I thought I'll come here and do the same for you. A 2022 gift from me to you!

For those of you who don't know, DEAR ARABELLA is a companion novel to A VOW OF HATE. It will be the present story of Arabella and Elias as they navigate through love once again.

It is highly recommended to read AVOH (you can find it on amazon and it's free with KindleUnlimited) before DEAR ARABELLA.

But since I'm going to assume most of you haven't read AVOH and I don't expect you to, I'm going to give you a quick backstory of things so that DEAR ARABELLA is not too confusing for you. So let's begin...

DEAR ARABELLA is a reincarnation story.

The story of Arabella and Elias dates back to 1875. Elias, the Marquess of Wingintam married Arabella and they made Isle Rosa-Maria their permanent home.

But it wasn't a love marriage.

From what we had gathered through stories that had been passed down through generations and letters that were found, Elias was in love with Rosa-Maria (whom he named the island after). Why did Elias and Arabella get married? Well, it was thought to be arranged by their fathers...

Stuck in a cold marriage, they say that Arabella was madly in love with him, but she only ended up with rejection and misery. She passed away without her husband’s love or devotion. But it’s more tragic than that. A tale of unrequited love, heartbreak, jealousy and death.

She loved a man who mourned for another woman. Arabella’s life was a lonely one and with every child she lost, she grew desperate for her husband’s affection, only to end up with his cold eyes and loveless hands. She offered him her body, day and night, because it was the only moment she felt close to her husband. Yet, his passion was reserved for his lover and never for his wife.

A sickly Arabella died alone.

She took her last breath under the gazebo Elias had built for his lover.

Here are the letters that were found by Julianna (the main character from AVOH) that Arabella left behind, detailing her life on Isle Rosa-Maria.

Dear Husband,

My thoughts are filled with you.
Your hatred for me, for I have taken the one thing you did want the most.
Your handsome visage,
Your sturdy hands,
Your wicked smile,
And your soft eyes.
I want to believe you were made for me and our souls are one.
But how can I bethink so…
When you still envisage her while you bed me.

- A


We are lost,
in the madness of love.
Like the morrow frost,
during the winter days.
Thy love is cold,
if only,
Our story could hast been foretold.
The pain would not hast been threefold.

- A


Falling in love is like the sunshine,
But our moments are lost in time.
Like a drowning lover,
Yet again, I fall for thou,
But thy heart yearns another.

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