Chapter 1

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August 8th, 2025// 2:30pm

Santana Pov-
Well looks who back ? I AM BITCHES HAHA . I hope you didn't think I was gonna stay away forever. Anyways It's been five years since you last saw us and guess what ? I'm pregnant and ready to bust open any time . Britt and I had gotten married 2 years ago & around that time we adopted 2 amazing children Maya and Miguel , both 17 years old and adorable and sweet as ever. They're latino like me so they know Spanish but they mostly speak in english since they been around it so much. Right now, Maya and Miguel should be home soon from school. So I'm preparing their snacks and drinks. Hudson, Flynn, Jackson, Amelia, Michael and Owen are supposed to come over too with their parents and I'm so happy to see my babies . It's been way too long since the last time I've seen them .. which was last weekend before the kids went back to school . Michael ,Owen, Miguel, and Maya are the oldest while Amelia is the baby of the group but since her moms and thee Rachel & Quinn Berry and Kurt Anderson she tries to tell the older the kids what to do.

"Mamiiii !" I heard Maya yell through the house . "In the kitchen sweetheart!" I yelled back & I heard a lot of giggling and laughing. I turned around and saw The kids & my bestest friends in the whole world. "You're getting bigger & bigger every time we see you." Kurt says walking over to give me a kiss on the cheek . I just glared at him playfully. "How's the little guy anyways ?" Blaine says smiling. The kids took the snacks and drinks up to the game room , hopefully they start their home work before they start playing with the toys and stuff. "He's okay , I think he's ready to come out now and I agree with him." I said smiling rubbing my tummy. "And what about Miss Willow?" I said smirking at Carmen . " I'm so ready for her to come out of here ! She won't let me be great." She says pouting. Alex laughed & gave her a kiss on the cheek . "Where's Britt ? I miss her." Quinn asked me and I rolled my eyes playfully . "She should be here really soon, Jake needed her help with some dance routine." I said drinking my water. They nodded and started talking amongst themselves. I started to rub my stomach but then I felt something wet run down my leg. Oh boy ! I looked down & saw a puddle of water on my floor. " Guys." I said trying to take slow breaths . Nobody heard me . "GUYS! MY WATER JUST BROKE!" I screamed and they looked at me in panic . " Ahhh fuck ! Call Britt please , Tell Miguel to look in the closet in my room and get the baby bag. SOMEONE GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL !" I screamed in pain . Everyone quickly got up and moved around . Quinn & Blaine helped me to Blaine's car . "Okay, Santana.. All I need you to do is breath in and out slowly and to stay calm ." Blaine says and I turned to him slowly & I glared at him . "You want me to stay clam ? DID I FORGET TO MENTION THIS IS YOUR SON TOO ? THIS IS YOUR CREATION, SO DON'T TELL ME TO CLAM DOWN." I yelled him and he widen his eyes and looked at Quinn. Once they got me to the car, they opened the passenger door and put me in there. "Make sure someone calls Britt and make sure you grab all the kids." Blaine says looking at Quinn . Quinn rolled her eyes . " I'm sorry but I was nervous as hell and I thought Hudson was with me when I left the house." Quinn says walking away & I groaned in pain . "Okay Sanny we're getting ready to go now." He says getting in and starting the car and leaving my house .
NY Hospital

Once we got there , Blaine got a wheelchair for me to roll me in and I got checked in and into a room quickly as possible. My doctor said I was 6 centimeters apart & the pain is unbearable. I just want Brittany now

"Oh baby I'm here !" Brittany says walking into my room and I looked over to her and smiled . "Hi I'm sorry I didn't get here fast enough. Traffic was terrible but -" I cut her off . " You're here now and that's all I care about right now . She walked over to me & gave me a kiss on the cheek & lips . "Are you nervous ?" She asked me & I nodded . "Very . I never took care of a new born .." I said softly . She held onto my head . "Baby you're gonna be an amazing mom to him. He's gonna love you, me, and Blaine." She tells me and I smiled and nodded softly. I grabbed onto her hand very tightly as the contractions got worse . "Deep breathes baby." Britt tells me and I glare at her . " What do you think I'm doing ? short breathes ? I just want him from out of me ." I spat out and wiping the sweat off my face . "I thought of a name .. We should name him Camilo ." She says smiling at me . I began to smiled but then stopped once the contractions started again, causing me cry. "Blaine!!" Britt screams out . Blaine comes running in . "I think she's ready.. can you get the doctors and some nurses please ." She asked him and I began crying harder . "Oh baby we are never having another kid . not until the twins are at least out of the house." I said in between the deep breaths and she laughed and nodded . Blaine came back in with a doctor and 4 other nurses. "Who's ready to have a baby?" The doctor says smiling softly.
4 hours later // 6:38pm

Brittany Pov -
Hiya, Miss me ? I missed you all too . It's 4 hours later and Santana finally had our sweet baby boy. 6 lbs and 11 ounces to be exact. He looks exactly like Santana's. Now he's asleep in San's arm and everyone is just in the room admiring him from afar.

" Momma , what did you guys name him ?" Miguel asked me . I smiled and looked at Santana. " Well we decided on the name Camilo Mariano Pierce." Santana says and everyone just smiled . "That's really cute oh my goshhhh . Quinn are you sure you don't want anymore kids?" Rachel asked her with puppy eyes . Quinn laughed and held onto a sleeping Amelia. "Nope, my baby girl and baby boy is all I need." Quinn says smiling and ruffling Hudson's hair. Each day, he starts to look more like Quinn and Puck. Amelia is definitely Kurt & Rachel combine . She's a very smart girl & she's only 2. "Well then, we should go and let you guys get some rest. Maya and Miguel you guys can stay with Blaine and I for the night." Kurt told the kids. Miguel looked scared . He doesn't like to spend the night with anybody else and he doesn't like to leave Santana side . " Hijo, no te asustes, ¿de acuerdo? Estaré bien y estaré en casa mañana cuando regreses de la escuela, ¿de acuerdo?" Santana says to him in Spanish and he nodded and sighed . I walk over to them and gave them a hug and a kiss . " Best behavior you two . Especially you Maya." I said glaring at her playfully . " Don't worry mom . I'm always on my best behavior." She says to me and I just shook my head . Yes Maya is the one who's dances and stays in her room but she also gets in trouble for back talking or whatever. I feel like after the two years of being around Santana, she picked up on Santana's behavior . " I love you mama." Miguel says walking over giving Santana a kiss and so did Maya . " I love you guys too." She says smiling. Hudson , Jackson , Flynn walked over and did the sam thing to . "Love you auntie Sanny , see you tomorrow." Jackson says and San laughed . "Love you guys too. Be good okay ? Then we have a sleepover at our house next weekend." She tells them and they nodded and walked out . I sighed happily and sat in the chair . "Are you sure you don't wanna go home ?" She asked me and I shook my head no . " I'm okay where I'm at." I tell her and she smiled . " Did you tell your dad and Paul that I had him ?" She asked me . "Not yet . I just wanna take this time out and cuddles with him first ." I said smiling and she laughed and yawned . "Get you some sleep baby. I'll be here when you wake up." I tell her. She nodded and I got up and grabbed Camilo from her and put him back in his crib. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and laid in the bed the hospital gave me to sleep in . " I love you Mrs. Pierce ." She says and I smiled again . " I love you too Mrs. Pierce." I said back . She cut the lights off and fell asleep. I covered up and smiled . Life has been great to me. I'm lucky to have this .

SO GUYS ! This is For the Worse ! Part 2 Of For the Better ' Please please tell me how you like it ! I feel like we should go deeper into their lives, so I decided to do this .

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