Prince Of Nanzhong

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I woke up to the sound of laughter it was loud but soft enough that I didn't really mind it at first.

An soon enough I heard it again the melody of cheerful joy and laughter. I began to grow more and more curious, so I decided to get out of bed hoping to find the source of all this laughter.

I started to inched my way out the door of my room making my way down the hallway cautiously but quietly. As I slowly began to approach the perfectly lit throne room I noticed just how welcoming the room really was even for me who has lived here for many years but I guess even the slightest things can trigger ones emotions.

I looked over from around the corner to see my mother laughing at father who was on the floor rubbing his head and back. I guess they both started a wrestling match again and by the looks of it mother won.

Though, I'm not really surprised. My mother was always stronger than father which is why I'm glad I took after her.

I have muscles the size of boulders and hands the size of watermelons. I would say I work out alot for a teen my age, but what teen doesn't in this day and age. Life is all about war!

And well for my father I inherited his height. I mean just look at me! I'm standing at 8 feet tall and I'm only 18 years old it's just crazy. I truly believe I'm blessed with both height, strength, and strategy thanks to taking secret classes for it....I just hope my parents don't find out or else they'd kill me.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't even hear my mom calling out to me until she snapped her fingers in my face immediately grabbing my attention from an unknown plain of existence.

Zhurong: Dear what are you doing just standing their with that long face of yours did something happen?!

Doushiki: Uh...Oh! Umm no I was uhhh... I just woke up and was wondering what's for breakfast yeah that's it! What's for breakfast?

Meng Huo: Well if I'm correct I believe meat buns and rice though I kinda wished we could have deer meat on the side as a treat for all the hard work I've been doing lately!

Zhurong: (elbows husband) Enough! Now Doushiki why don't you go ahead and make your way to the dining area we'll meet you there in a few okay?

Doushiki: Very well, but before I do may I ask why is it that I keep hearing the common people talking about a vacation day?

Meng Huo: We'll talk about that later go on now get going.

With that I began walking away because I wasn't just about to sit there and argue with either of them, so i bite my tongue and made my way over to the dining table.

I sat down slowly while rubbing my tired eyes in hopes to wake myself up some more since the sun hasn't even come up completely. As for my opinion I think breakfast should be served when the light first appears in the sky, but nothing I say will change their minds.

I rolled my eyes sighing in the process admitting to defeat since nothing else I do will be ever be considered by them not even in my own dreams.

I looked over my shoulder waiting to see when the breakfast was going to be served since I'm sure I've been waiting for quite sometime now, but nothing, so I laid my head down groaning every now and then to keep myself sane.

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