Unexpected Run In

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It was quiet like it's always been, and for some reason a lot more cases of bandits attacking villages spread around the land like a wild fire. Just what was going on and who's been taking care of these exactly.

I began my march north heading towards luoyang, in an advance to see the destruction awaiting. Though I didn't plan on heading in like I normally do I decided to walk in like a bandit myself.

It took hours to get their and another hour to find a group of bandits to follow loosely behind and with that I was finally set.

We made it through the trees and bushes towards what I think was a village turns out it was a small town out in the open.

No walls or defenses just what are these people thinking! No wonder their getting attacked more often!

As I approached I saw a big man with white hair and red beating eyes.

Oh great just wonderful this man just took out all these men I was using to get around for information!

Just who does he think he is?!

I made my way out of the wood casually walking over towards them as he drew out his weapon ready to kill me!

Doushiki: Woah there kid I'm not here to attack you.

???: What are you a bandit! Theif sack!

Doushiki: Excuse me meat bun head!
The hell you call me!

This racist mother trucker I dare him to say it again!

???: The hell you call me bandit?!

Doushiki: First off meat... bun... Head you were racist first! Watch your mouth!

???: You were racist too dump wad!
And it's not my fault you come walking in with the rest of these bandits!
What was I suppose to believe you were our saviour! As if! Your dressed like them too!

Doushiki: First off I'm Native American jerk and second I was just following these guys to see what they were up to. And third don't go assuming I'm one of them, haven't you heard of innocent until proven guilty!

???: What ever I don't care!

Doushiki: You little get over here!

I ran up to him grabbing ahold of his weapons and began spinning him around for a taste of his own medicine. He was heated and out of control so I did what father did to me when I gave him attitude.

???: Quit it you dumb bimbo!

Doushiki: Not until I hear an apology!

???: Fine I'm sorry!

Doushiki: Good you learn your lesson! kid?!

???: I'm not a kid! My name's Lu Sun trash can!

Doushiki: Nice to meet you Lu Sun! I'm doushiki!

Lu Sun: Cool! I'm leaving I have better things to do then stand here fighting with you.

Doushiki: Hey you look hungry have some meat buns!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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