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Today was what I'd call unusual as for the fact that a marriage was considered vacation and I wasn't all for this.

I looked around a room filled with women and I had to admit I was very uncomfortable at the fact I had to choose one.

What happened to getting to know them and you know getting to see if their the supposed one I'd love for the rest of my life.

I tried telling my mom this wasn't what I wanted and having Garjoudah here wasn't helping either for everytime I looked around he would cover my eyes and tell me none is good enough for me in range of strength and tactics.

Breathing out slowly I pulled his hands away staring him in the eyes while reassuring him I'd make the right choice in choosing a strong women.

He looked at me for a moment before nodding at my words as a sign of approval before patting my head and flicking me in the forehead.

This was what he called a friendly gesture of reassurance back. The thought had cut me off before words could catch up with my brain.

I Shaked my head before turning back at the crowd of women now staring at me with crazed looks like I was the hottest guy. This is why I was terrified. I want a women that's hard to get because them I'm reassured she ain't going to cheat on me. I want to work for my women I have a passion for earning love not having it handed to me.

I shook me head in disappointment before standing up and saying straight to my mother

Doushiki: None show me interest therefore I will have no hand in marriage with anyone here before me for their not worthy in my eyes.

The room fell silent as all eyes where on me, but I didn't feel sorry as all I could see was lust and I just wanted pure love and care. I might be a warrior but even a warrior has feelings you know of soft tender emotions.

My mother wanted to say something but instead nodded and asked all the women to leave. I silently thanked her before sitting back down in my throne.

Garjoudah: None fits you well huh?

Doushiki: Exactly! I want a women who loves me truly not in form of lust and admiration. I want to earn her love. I might be a warrior known for cold acts but even I have a heart that yearns for a lovely lady who shows me respect.

Garjoudah: I agree totally! I love a girl more caring and soft, but could handle herself if need be.

Doushiki: Good for you!

Garjoudah: Good for me? What's wrong shiki?!

Doushiki: I just feel disappointed in the fact mother arranged this without hearing how I felt at first. I feel like she wants to throw me away.

Garjoudah: you do realize there becoming old and they need to pass the kingdom down. You have to marry in order to gain title of king. I think they were just trying to help

Doushiki: I know, but I'm not ready yet and besides none in this village has proven worthy for years to me they could earn my love.

Garjoudah: Why don't you marry someone outside of home. Go out there and find your girl.

Doushiki: your right after this so called day is over I'll pack up and leave.

Garjoudah: That's not what I meant come back!

I got up walking down the isle heading for my room that was just right around the corner.
Garjoudah's Pov

What is he thinking just walking off and leaving his responsibilities?! What about me his best friend?

I have to follow and make sure he doesn't end up in trouble that is my duty here as his right hand man.

I began to trail behind him in hopes to catch up, but as I approached his door it was locked from the inside.

I knocked and knocked for what had seemed like hours only to be gifted with silence.

Garjoudah: Open the door shiki!

Again no answer don't tell me...
I ran back down the hallways as fast as I could making my way outside to see if he jumped out the window.

Upon reaching the side of the house his room was on I peered in the window to see him standing by the door holding up the middle finger smiling before unlocking his door and running off.

Garjoudah: Dang it!
He outsmarted me that butthole!

I ran back hoping to catch him, but this man vaulted over the wall like it was nothing leaving me in the dust the reason was unknown, but I still felt betrayed somehow... Then again I did tell him to leave to go find his true love.

And knowing doushiki he'd do anything to save his parents and family even if it meant he was in danger. He really is the best.

Garjoudah: Good luck shiki!


Doushiki pov

I vaulted over the wall like it was nothing for I was over 9 feet tall by now and very strong so this was like jumping over a tree that fell down.

But I'm not gonna flex... Oh who am I kidding I'm flexing big time here.

Doushiki: Thanks for the luck Garjoudah! I appreciate it.

How I know he'd say that because I've know this man my whole life and well our minds are like one no matter where we are. That's a bond that can't be broken.

I guess i was a little harsh to him, but like he said if I want the right girl I need to find her now, but where could I go and who should I trust?

*Branch Creek*

Huh what was that?

I turned around to see bandits were trailing behind me I smiled sarcastically before stomping the ground with my foot.

Bandits: This man's to strong we have to run now...ahhhhhh

They blew away with ease, and I guess I really didn't need to worry I had luck and DNA on my side.

It was short I know, but it was intended
I hope you like his character traits and the others they have purpose and don't worry I won't throw away his friend Garjoudah trust me.
If ya liked it you know the jig if ya didn't at least you read something to pass the time right.

I helped in a way!

Thank you again for your time!

Wait I'm missing words.....

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