chapter 18: day out

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Footsteps crunched through the silky fresh snow. A large stag wandered through the woods, he was leading his herd to a new feeding ground. the winter had been rough and many young fawns had perished in the unforgiving cold. the stags ears pricked up as a strange scent brushed against his nose, it was faint, but still there. a small bleet left his mouth, alerting his herd to the threat, they all froze in place.


hot red droplets of blood splatter over the snow like paint on a canvas. the stags body crashed down into the snow. his herd burst into a run, rushing through the trees blinded by fear. the thundering stampede blocking the sound of engines.

" wooooo-hoooo!!! "

alisa sped through the trees on her snowmobile, tracking where the carcas of her kill would be. she followed the tracks of the herd for a while before she came across the body. it was a magnificant stag bearing large antlers and a beautiful coat of fur. alisa jumped off of her vehicle and her dog joined her, approaching the kill. the german shepherd bounds over to the stag sniffing furiously, slobber forming and dripping to the gound from his mouth.

" milo, boy. get back " she grabs the carcus by its antlers roughly and starts to drag it back to the snowmobile, milo following at her heel loyaly. once she reached the vehicle she tied the stag securely to the back of it and hopped on. milo leapt up and waited for his owner to strap him in too, she did and they went on their way through the woods.

alisa stopped the snowmobile at a frozen lake, untouched by human kind. she made her way over to the surface with what little rescorces she could gather to make ice fishing gear, she already had a small fishing rod that was left in a compartment on the snowmobile. her boots prodded at the ice tenderly, testing the strength of the ice. milo slipped around further out on the ice, brave enough to go and adventure. alisa made her way out on the ice until she was satisfied with the position. her attention then turned to the collection of items she was carrying; a pack-away survival saw, a large stick, slithers of meat from the stags carcus and the fishing rod. she reckoned she could break through the ice and get a line in before sunset, which was fast approaching.

the ice bobbed around in small chunks, looking like a slushie. alisa swirled it around a bit more with her stick before dropping her baited line into the water and sitting down, ready to wait it out. milo skidded over, his mouth full of small black elongated rocks. she held her hand out and he dropped the rocks into her grasp. as she looked closer she realised they were actually fresh water mussels, there must have been a few marsh ladened streams nearby where milo was patrolling.

" good boy, milo! " alisa reached out to the dog and pet him affectionately, earning a few licks to the face from the alsatian. milo let out a bark as her rod jolts from its position on the ice next to her. she grabs it quickly and starts to reel her catch in, struggling with the fish on the other end. after a few minutes the fish comes into view under the ice. it was a beautiful fresh water pike, large in size and covered in coloured speckles. alisa tugs the line once more and the fish bursts from the water and slides on the ice, flapping around madly. almost instantly alisa pinned it down and cut its throat so it wouldnt suffer for longer.

" vhat a beauty " she looked the fish over happily, a proud grin spreading over her features. milo sniffed at it curiously and then ran off again, slipping around. alisa set up another hook and plunged it back in whilsts looking around, at peace for once.

-----time skip-----

alisa cut the engine on the snowmobile after she pulled up near her house. she leant back and unstrapped milo from his dog seat on the back and he ran off into the house. alisa trudged through the snow, untied the stag and lifted the stag onto her back. a smal grunt left her mouth as she slowly walked around the garage to her families cleaning station. the stag made a loud thud as she dropped it onto the counter where they gut and chop up their kills. she then ran back to the snowmobile and grabbed the fish she caught and the mussels milo helped her find then returned to the cleaning station. alisa then proceeded to gut the fish and put them in a feezer box nearby. she started looking for her tools to clean the stag but couldnt find them anywhere.

" great..." she muttered to herself as she then headed inside to look for her father. heat heat her cold flushed cheeks as she opened the backdoor and stepped in. she could hear the T.V playing in the living room and wandered over. her father was lounging on the couch, 'megsy' sitting with him.

" father " alisa came closer to hi and he looked up at her casually. he gave her a small smile and she returned it. 'megsy' glanced at her begrudgingly.

" yes? " he looks back to the T.V.

" vhere are zhe tools from zhe cleaning station? " alisa leans against the couch impatiently as her father hums in thought. he eventually stands and walks to a nearby cupboard and pulls down a large tool box and hands it to her.

" vhat did you get? " his accent wasnt as strong as hers because of the time hes spent over seas but it was still rather strong. alisa shuffled the box in her grasp.

" five fresh vater trout, a few mussels and a stag " she hid her pride and avoided looking smug but her father ruffled her hair with a smile.

" zhats my girl " he chuckles and sits back down on the couch. alisa walks back to the cleaning station but 'megsy' joined her and his eyes widen when he sees the stag. she grins and throws one of the frozen trout at him thats rigid. she then grabs one and holds it up like a sword.

" come at me "

sorry this chapter wasnt that interesting, but i would like you to rate my writting from a 1-10. i really want to improve. i would also love it if you gave me some constructive criticism too!

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