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Bucky swipe right, then a notice popped up saying they were a match. The app leads him to the conversation, he was hesitant at first, unsure on what to say.

Sen: Hey Buck! I see we're a match

Hello Sen, it's nice to meet you

Bucky wanted to punch himself for being so bad at these, he remembers being so good at flirting but now he's a loser.

Sen: Nice to meet you too, Anyways no offense but you're not a scammer right?

I am not, I asure you.
Although I'm not sure what to do
My friends were the ones who signed me up here.

Sen: Sureee, that's totally what scammers sayss

What can I do to prove that I'm not a scammer?

Sen: I don't know, how can you prove you're not here to scam my poor heart huh?

Wait, how can I be sure you're not a scammer either?!

Sen: Finee! I don't know either
I guess we're both sus huh?


Sen: Sus, like suspicions
How old are you again?

Well that's a complicated question to answer

Sen: Why? *gasp*
Don't tell me you're that old

What do you mean by that old?

Sen: You know... Too old...

What if I am?

Sen: Doesn't matter, since I'm here for the money, if you know that I mean...

== Sen's Apartment ==

"You're so straight forward" Venom says as he watch me interact with this 'Buck', "Why are you still talking to him? I told you he's a scammer!"

"Well he says he's not"

"And you believe him?! You're stupid!"

"Shut up parasite, and let me do the work on this okay? Just wait and see"

Buck: Yes, my friends explain it to me
They say, you're willing to do anything in exchange for money

Well not exactly anything

Buck: Why are you looking for a sugar daddy? Why don't get a job?

Because every job sucks, and I need money for my illness...

Buck: You're sick?!

Kind of... Let's just say I have a eating disorder because a parasite decided to live inside my body

"Excuse me lady, I make you strong and not sick. I heal you and keep you safe, how dare yo-"
"Shut it Venom, looking pity is one of the key on getting a sugar daddy. Like we need to look weak and desperate on getting money"
"You're making us look bad and weak?! I disagree on this action!" With that, Venom took control of Sen's arm and throw her phone to the wall, "Venom no!"

Sen quickly go and retrieve her thankfully not broken phone.

Buck: I'm sorry to hear that

No biggie granpa

I'm not a grandpa

Yes you are

The two talk all night long, unaware that they've been talking to each other for hours. Until Venom decided it's enough and force Sen to sleep.

== The next day: Sen's Apartment ==

"SEN!" the girl jump from her bed and fall down with a thud. Her heart was pounding with the sudden loud noise that woke her up, "What the fuc-"
"I'm hungry"

Sen groans, "Is that really necessary?"
"I'm hungry and your kidney is looking juicy and delicious right now"

She stand up and go to the bathroom, then proceed to make breakfast to her symbiote companion.
"Bacon! Bacon! Oh, I also want eggs then pancakes and waffles with chocolate" a bunch of black tentacles are coming out of Sen's back, grabing things, opening frige and cabinets, "Let me do the cooking Venom"

"Let me help, it will be much more faster"
"No, no, just no. I got this okay? Stay away from fire and let me cook edible food"

"Finee" the tentacles came back of Sen, while one opened up the tv before disappearing on Sen like the others. The morning news was ongoing while Sen is currently making food.

"-the authorities finally declared and confirmed that there is a serial killer wandering around not only here in New York but also on neighboring towns"

Venom appears from Sen's back shoulder, looking at the news, "Food" he says, "Yes, I know I'm currently making one"
"Not that, look, there's a serial killer and I bet they tasted delicious" he said licking his teeth.

Sen cracked the eggs and look at the tv, it shows a police on a press conference, "Today, we confirmed the existence of a serial killer who wanders around America. Their brand is leaving their headless corpse in the alley, the heads were never recovered but were are able to identify some of the victims"

Then it shows pictures of mens that are familiar to Sen. Of course, they are, since these victims were the ones she and Venom eat during nights.
"Oh shit" Sen mumbled in shock.

"It's burning"
"The eggs!"

Sen quickly flip the eggs in the pan before they get burn more. She sigh, "Now we need to lay low"

"Or we can just get rid of the body!"

"We are going to lay low"

"Yes, we are going to lay low"

Sen put all the things she cooked in one plate and started eating.
Her phone rings, and Venom gets it using his tendril on the bedroom, handing it to Sen.

She looks it and saw that it was a notification from the sugar daddy app.
"Looks like we have more match in here, and also Buck messaged us"

She stuffed her mouth with pancakes then opened her and Buck's conversation.

Buck: I'm guessing, you fall asleep...
It's okay, goodnight Sen :)

Buck: Goodmorning!

Heyy Buck, yeah I'm sorry I fall asleep
And goodmorning to you too
Im just actually having breakfast

Buck: Well, I just finished taking a run, and will be eating soon
So, how are you?

Nothing much. Hey Buck?

Buck: Yes?

Can I be your sugar baby?

Sugar Daddy | B. Barnes ☆Where stories live. Discover now