The Secret

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Izuku and Katsuki waked up in the tree house, they were cuddling there all the night but now they have to go.
They got out and closed the door of the tree house with a key behind them.
Katsuki walked Izuku home.

Katsuki: OK babe, I have to go back to the dorms, I hope you enjoyed yesterday

Izuku: yeah I enjoyed it a lot, thanks 'kisses Katsuki'

Katsuki: 'kisses back'

Izuku: 'breaks the kiss'

Katsuki: heh, I let you lead just because your birthday was yesterday 'winks'

Izuku: 'blushing' uhmm, b-bye K-kacchan 'closes the door really fast'

Katsuki: hahahaha

Katsuki made his way to the dorms, he prepared a excuse, because he knows that his firends would ask him about where he was yesterday.
So the lie is: I had to go home, because the old hag wanted me to help her.........
Katsuki is now in front the the door of the dorms, he went in and walked to the common room.
The whole class was there, and they looked like they were waiting for him.

Katsuki: what are you staring at extras?

Mina: bakubabe you have some explaining to do......

Katsuki: what do you mean Raccoon eyes?

Kirishima: she means that 'shows the card'

Katsuki's POV: oh no they read the letter in it, what should I say?
Out of POV.

Katsuki: give it shitty hair, it's mine.....

Kirishima: yeah we know that, but I'm not going to give you until you explain everything.....😏

Katsuki: what should I explain huh?

Mina: YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND, and you didn't tell us,you didn't even tell us the you're gay

Katsuki: Don't say it like that, and I I don't have to tell you everything, it's private

Kaminari: but bakubro we are friends, and friends tell each other everything

Katsuki: yeah NO......

Mina: ok ok, we know now that the broccoli boy is your boyfriend 😏


Mina: don't be jealous bakubabe, I'm not going to steal him from you, and he is out of my list

Katsuki: I'm not jealous, but I'm glad that he is out of your stupid list, because he. Is. MINE.

Kirishima: ohohohohh

Kaminari: awwwww


Mina: OK, but since when are you two dating?

Katsuki: since last year of middle school....

Mina: awwww, since that long, how cute 'fangirling'

Kaminari: and we thought that you have a girlfriend 'hahahah' it turns out that you're gay.


Katsuki graped the card and rushed to his room, the whole class laughed at him because he was blushing and angry in the same time.
That was all for this part, I think i'm going to make 1 or 2 more parts and then I will end it and beginn to continue the other story 'expemented Izuku fem'
I hope you liked this part.
Byee, love you all❤️❤️<3
492 words

~Katsuki's little Secret~ (secret relationship/bkdk) Where stories live. Discover now