Crush, chip burn part 2

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Corbyn prov
( We are all in the lab I was eating grapes  with Adam at the lab tabel)

Leo: What're you doing?
Chase: If Davenport is gonna ship us off to some remote facility, then the office supplies are coming with us.
Bree: We just got our first taste of normal life. I was this close to getting a curfew which I was totally gonna break.
Adam: Oooh! But maybe when we get to wherever we're going, we'll meet a sassy lab chimp named Bobo who will take us on adventures and teach us how to love.
( I shapeshift into a champ and Adam starts to hug me.)
Chase: Or maybe you'll make him angry and he'll maul you and snack on your fingers.
( I start to snack on his fingers and I turn back into my self and set by Bree.)
Adam: Hey. I create the monkey fantasies around here.
Eddy: Well, kids, I hope you've enjoyed your stay at casa Davenport. I know I haven't. Sayonara!
Bree: Eddy, I know we've never been the best of friends, but we're gonna miss you.
Corbyn: Really?
Eddy: Aw, really?
Adam: No!
Bree: We hate you!
Chase: You're evil!
Corbyn: I well end you!
( We all shouted at Eddie.)
Leo: Where is this training facility anyway?
Eddy: Facility X? Oh, it's all the rage.
Chase: That's pretty nice.
Eddy: Oops! Sorry! That's my screen saver. You're going here.
Corbyn: Forget about office supplies. We should be gathering wood.
( They all shake there heads.)
Leo: Man. I wish I hadn't thrown that party. I can't help but think this is all my fault.
Adam: Oh, that's because it is all your fault.
( I slap him in the head and he glare at him.)
Bree: Adam, he was only trying to help us.
Adam: Well, yeah, but he did the opposite, which is not help us. The not makes it the opposite. I'm just so bummed. It's the only place we've ever known.
Chase: Yeah. Just think about all the memories we've shared here.
( We all think of that memorie when we are little.)

young CorbynDonald: If the atom has too many or too few electrons, the atom is called an ion, and it has a positive or a negative charge

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young Corbyn
Donald: If the atom has too many or too few electrons, the atom is called an ion, and it has a positive or a negative charge. And that's how batteries are made! The end. ( Adam lift his char.) Whoa. Whoa. Okay, Adam. You can put me down now.
( Bree grabes the book and speed away.)
Donald: Hey! Come back with that!
( She to the chars Chase and I are sitting at.)
Donald: Come back with that book! Look what you're doing, you're kicking up all this dust, you're gonna make Chase's , And corbyn's super senses glitch, and there gonna—
Donald: Sneeze.
( I made a water pedel aper under him and he slip.)
Donald: Ahh!
Back to reallty
( We all smile at that.)
Leo: I can't let Davenport send you guys away. Let me talk to him. No one can say no to this million-dollar smile.
no one prov
. . .

Donald: No!
Leo: But what if...?
Donald: Uh-uh.
Leo: Don't you think...
Donald: Forget it.
Leo: What if you...
Donald: (vocalizing)

. . .

Leo: Well...I'm pretty sure he's gonna think about it.

. . .

Tasha: Leo, there you are. Honey, I know you're sad about your friends leaving. But think of all the time you'll get to spend with me. Oooh! We can play your little video game. You know, the one where you hold the thingy and you move the other thingy.
Leo: Mom, with all due respect, it is way too late in life for you to learn video games.
Donald: Good morning, happy family.
Tasha: What is that?
Leo: Whatever it is, don't get too attached.
Donald: Look, Leo, I know you're gonna miss Adam, Bree and Chase. So, I laser scanned their features onto these biosynthetic robots and I programmed them with their core personality traits. Is this great or what? It'll be like they never left.
Leo: Ah!
Donald: What do you think?
Leo: I think the excitement of having a billionaire dad just wore off.
Tasha: Donald, I don't know about this. I kind of prefer Leo to have friends who can't malfunction and tear him limb from limb.
Corbyn Prov
( Adam, Bree, Chase, & I left the lab and see Robots that look like us.)
Bree: What are those?
Leo: Oh, Dr. Franken brain here is trying to replace you with creepy robots. Welcome to crazy town.
Beeping, warbling.
Robot Adam: Good morning. The time is 11:22 and the temperature is currently 68 degrees.
Adam: You made a robot of me that just stands around telling people the time and the temperature? That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!
Bree: Does my nose really look like that?
Robot Bree: No. Yours has a faint moustache underneath.
Robot Chase: Hey, everyone. I'm Chase. Let's do ma... ma... ma... math.
Chase: That is not funny!
Corbyn: No, you're right. It's fuh... fuh... fuh... funny.
Robot Corbyn: Do you like beaing mean?
Corbyn: Do you like the floor?
( I throw him to the floor and alot of stuff brack.)
Leo, Tasha, Bree, Adam, & Chase: Oh!
( Mr. Daveport looks at me shoked.)
Doorbell chimes.
Donald: Hey, Fitz. How's it going? How's life? How's tricks? Alrighty then. You guys should've seen him at the Christmas party. He's a karaoke master.
Bree: Well, I guess this is it. Thanks for everything, Leo.
Chase: Yeah, you're the best friend we've ever had.
Adam: No, he's the only friend we've ever had.
Tasha: Well, don't forget to bundle up on your deadly missions.
Donald: Hey, remember, this is a good thing. Without any distractions, you might finish your training early.
Eddy: Whoo hoo! They're gone!
Donald: Eddy!
Eddy: I mean, have a safe trip. I love you.

Lab rats session 1Where stories live. Discover now