Chapter 7.

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Their first month together flies by without a single hiccup. Keeping up the same routine as before. Only now Harry has taken to spending his days off from work at Louis' place. Harry study's as Louis grades papers next to him. They work well as a team. Making sure they are both accomplishing their tasks. Harry even goes as far as to help grade quizzes when Louis is overwhelmed with six classes worth of essays to grade. While Louis helps him study by writing up flashcards for him to use.

With all the extra time they have been spending together alone you would have thought they would've broken this sexual standoff they are in. They exchange kisses, and wanting looks on a regular basis, and cuddle each other often, but they haven't gotten closer than their first date. Harry can't speak for Louis, but he hasn't wanted to push for more just to end up stopping again. Worried that he might end up begging Louis to do something, and look like a hormonal teenager. Which some aspects he still is. The longer they wait the more desperate he becomes, and the more likely he is to blow. So to speak.

Which leads him to this moment. He's walking around downtown with Niall on Sunday. They don't have a specific destination, mostly just hanging out, and catching up. Summer plans, and graduation excitement taking up much of their conversation. They turn a corner and a sign catches Harry's eye. 'PLEASURE CENTER' in big block hot pink letters hangs above the door of what appears to be a sex shop. He stops on the sidewalk, and stares. Niall doesn't notice for a moment, then backtracks over to him, and follows his line of sight.

"You wanna go in? Check it out?" Niall says, and bless him for sounding so casual after finding his friend staring curiously at a sex shop. Harry imagines it's not often young men are comfortable with going into a sex shop with their gay best friend.

"You don't mind?" Harry asks, just to make sure.

"Not at all. Might be fun." He has a mischievous glint in his eye when he says it.

Harry shrugs at that, and they head inside. They split up once they're inside the store. Giving each other a bit of privacy while they browse. Niall heads straight for the dirty movie section like a giddy child, and Harry giggles at his friend. He doesn't know exactly what he's looking for, but he ends up in front of a wall filled with dildos, and buttplugs. You see, Harry isn't very experienced, even with himself. He's tried fingering himself a couple times, and never had any luck. The angle is always awkward, and he can't seem to find the little button inside himself that he's heard so much about. So maybe he could try with a toy? 'That has to be easier.' He thinks as he eyes the different buttplugs, and reads all the functions that are offered with each one.

Niall pops up beside him while he's deciding between two different sizes. He looks curiously at the items in Harry's hands, then looks up to Harry's face and quirks an eyebrow. He chuckles at the wide eyed look on his friend's face as he stands stock still holding two buttplugs, looking like he just got caught doing something bad. Niall looks away, and towards the wall Harry found said toys. Being the Marvel fan he is when he sees a toy named Thor it catches his attention. This one claims to be the highest rated prostate vibrator, remote controlled and everything.

"Hm- What about this one Harry?" He asks, pointing at Thor. In the time he was reading the toys box Harry appeared to have decided on the smaller of the two buttplugs.

Harry steps up to his side, and looks over the item. His eyebrows raise when he reads that it has 16 different vibrating functions. "I don't know..."

"Oh come on. If you're going to do it, go for the gold." Niall says with a flourish, and then follows it up with. "If you don't buy it, I will, and I'll make sure to give it to you in front of Linda."

The toy is snatched hilariously fast off the shelf. Harry knows better than to doubt his friend. The little shit will do anything if he thinks he can get a laugh out of it. Most of the time he loves that about Niall, just not when he's the target. He doesn't think would live through his Aunts relentless teasing if that happened. Now that he thinks about it, he sincerely hopes she is engrossed in something when he gets home so she doesn't notice the black bag he's holding.

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