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Hey  Abhi Sir 

I am at Starbucks waiting for you !

I ordered my Oreo frappe and a cappuccino for you !!

You are coming na ??

If you won't come I need to wash dishes for a month here .

Hehe you did not get the point , I don't have any cash with me !!

Did you cheat me again 😭😭😭

After 15 minutes 

Dear Abhishek sir , you are so bad .

You did not come , I thought you will .

But my friend paid the bill so no problem .

hate you so much !!

Only for BETRAYING ME !!

abhishekxglam  theabhisheknigam is a cheater !! He cheated me !! But guys don't hate him , I love him so much but yesterday he said he will bring me a Oreo frappe but cheated me !! I borrowed money from my friend to have it

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abhishekxglam  theabhisheknigam is a cheater !! He cheated me !! But guys don't hate him , I love him so much but yesterday he said he will bring me a Oreo frappe but cheated me !! I borrowed money from my friend to have it . I want justice now !! #theabhisheknigam #abhisheknigamfam #vibhanigam 


abhishekxsparkle : dude you are crazy but we will support you!

abhishekshine :haha 🤣🤣 #abhishekxglam want justice .

hero_fp  : #abhishekxglamwantjustice 

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Telly news Famous actor or our Hero theabhisheknigam  cheated on somebody , to know more

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Telly news Famous actor or our Hero theabhisheknigam  cheated on somebody , to know more . Read the article in the bio . Fans are going  crazy and supporting the victim .

With Abhishek !!

He was sleeping at his home happily, UNKNOWN to the chaos happening in the fandom . Vibha Aunty slowly entered the room and shook him .

Vibha : abhi abhi wake up !!

Abhi (slowly rubbing his eyes ) : what happened ma ? Let me sleep I am tired !! 

Vibha : you can sleep later but see this post !

Abhi : I will see later ma !

Vibha : I swear Abhi , if you won't get up my chappal will contact you .

Abhi : hush fine show ............

After seeing the telly news post first his eyes popped out .

Abhi : ma don't believe it ma , it's false I am not even dating anyone how can I cheat someone .

Vibha : stop , first read the full article .(giggles)

Abhi : stop laughing and show me . 

After reading his mouth hung down , he never expected something like this gonna happen .

Abhi : omg  like seriously , that person really  came for date ! I mean come on ma ? How can that person do it ! I mean 

Vibha: first check your phone , and take care of this issue . ( giggles)

Vibha Aunty left . Abhi opened his phone to see he being tagged in all #abhishekxglamwantjustice posts . He opened to abhishekxglam account and saw many Abhishekians supporting the fan page . 


Hey guys hope you all enjoyed the chapter , will abhishekxglamwill get justice ??

What will Abhi do know ??

I wrote this chapter when I was high on grapes !!

Keep guessing abhishekxglam !! The one who guesses it will have a something special gift tho !!

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