1. The Sound Of Hope

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Rhea woke up with a start one night, as loud voices inside her head, had disturbed her sleep.
She could often hear the trees whispering to her as she slept, but that night they were incredibly loud.
A stranger had entered the forest, and the trees were warning her that she was not safe.
The trees used to whisper and dance for everyone, but now she was the only one who could hear them talk. For she was the last dryad, the last living tree.
She used to be able to transform her body into a proper tree, but the Narnians she lived with didn't want her to do that anymore. Because they were scared that if she returned to her natural state, she would go into hibernation, like the rest of the dryads had done to avoid persecution. And they didn't want to risk losing her, as she was the last person who could connect to the forest.

Since she didn't think she could go back to sleep, Rhea exited her bedroom and headed into the main room of the hut, that connected all the bedrooms.
As a dryad, she preferred to be in big open spaces, but her guardians had told her that it was too dangerous to be outside for long periods of time, so she had to spend most of her time indoors.
Many believed that she was the last of her entire species, which meant that she was important, and therefore had to be protected at all costs.

Rhea nervously lit a candle in the living quarters, illuminating the room.
She didn't like fire, as it was one of her biggest weaknesses, but since it was so dark, she needed the candle light to help her see.
A forest fire had wiped out her entire tribe, leaving her the lone surviver.
But even she saw how necessary it was to have fire, as without it many creatures would freeze.
"Can't sleep?".
Rhea spun around and saw Trufflehunter the badger walking towards her.
"No. The trees are very loud tonight" admitted Rhea.
"What is troubling them?" Asked Trufflehunter.
"There are strangers in the woods tonight".

"Telmarines don't normally come into the woods, especially not at night. I wonder what they are up to" Trufflehunter mumbled.
Rhea shivered nervously, at the thought of meeting a Telmarine soldier.
"Don't worry though. No, Telmarine would come this deep into the woods. So we are completely safe" continued Trufflehunter.
"I hope you are right" replied Rhea.
"I promised you when I found you alone, all those years ago, that I would protect you, and I will always keep my promise".

"What are you two talking about so late at night?" Demanded Nikabrik the dwarf, as he joined them.
"There are Telmarine's in the woods tonight. The trees told me while I slept" explained Rhea.
"I see. I don't suppose they told you where the Telmarine's are?" Questioned Nikabrik.
Rhea shook her head, "No. I'm afraid not".
"Well, that's not very useful of them. What's the point in giving you a warning, if they won't tell you where the vermin are?"
"I don't decide what they tell me. They talk to me, whether I like it or not. I certainly can't ask them for more information, since they can't hear me. It's only I, that can hear them".

"Having a party without me?".
Rhea turned her head to see Trumpkin, the other dwarf she lived with, enter the room.
"We'd never have a party without you" smiled Rhea.
"Good. I'd hate to miss out on something fun" replied Trumpkin.
"I was just telling the others that I..." Rhea faltered as she heard the sound of horses approaching.
Trufflehunter also froze, as like her, he had exceptional hearing.
"It's the Telmarine's. They are here" whispered Rhea nervously.
"There is no need to panic, they might ride straight past us" reassured Trufflehunter.

Trumpkin and Nikbrik weren't so sure, so they headed to the entrance to the hut, picking up their weapons on the way.
Rhea was worried about them, so she followed them outside, leaving a worried Trufflehunter behind.
As she stepped outside she saw a young Telmarine lying on the floor.
She had never seen a human before, so she was strangely excited to be this close to one.
"I told you I heard that there was a Telmarine in the woods" she said proudly.
"We can't let him go. He's seen us" Trumpkin whispered to Nikabrik.

Trumpkin removed his knife from its sheaf, and approached the Telmarine boy.
"Get back" Nikabrik hissed to Rhea.
Ignoring his advice, Rhea let her curiosity get the better of her, and she inched towards the stranger.
Trumpkin raised his knife, but lowered it when he saw a strange ivory horn beside the boy.
"Is that queen Susan's horn?" Gasped Rhea.
All Narnians knew of the myth surrounding Susan's horn.
It was a symbol of hope, as it was supposed to summon the kings and queens of old back to Narnia, to help them regain their freedom.
Before anyone could reply to Rhea's question, they heard the sound of horses getting closer.
Rhea could even feel the vibrations on the floor, as the Telmarine's and their horses got closer.

Trumpkin turned his head and saw several Telmarine soldiers coming their way.
"Take care of him. I will deal with the soldiers" instructed Trumpkin, as he looked back to Nikabrik.
Trumpkin then ran off towards the soldiers, allowing Nikabrik to approach the Telmarine boy.
Rhea could see how outnumbered Trumpkin was, so even though she knew she shouldn't, she ran after him, ignoring Nikabrik's protests.
Trumpkin appeared to be holding his own against the trespassers, but the soldiers just kept on coming.

Rhea placed her hands onto the ground, and willed the roots of the earth to rise up.
The earth obeyed, and several tree roots exploded out of the ground, taking out two horses and their riders.
Using her earth magic made her very tired, as it drained her power.
So she knew she couldn't use her magic to fight off all the soldiers.

"You shouldn't be here. It's too dangerous for you" shouted Trumpkin over the battle noises.
"I'm not going to let you battle these monsters by yourself" replied Rhea.
"But you are imp-"
"Important I know. But I'm not weak and feeble. Which is why you need to let me help you" interrupted Rhea, as she picked up a fallen sword, and used it to fight the soldier nearest to her.

Things were going well, until suddenly a loud horn blast, echoed through the forest.
Rhea turned her head, and saw the Telmarine boy blowing the horn, before being knocked unconscious by Nikabrik.
Even though the horn was no longer being blown, she could still hear it.
It was as if the sound was running through her body, making her feel alive for the first time since her parents had died.
She had struggled to connect to the magic of the earth, ever since her tribe had been wiped out, leaving her the last dryad. As using her earth magic had been much easier when she was surrounded by other dryads.
But the horn sound made Rhea feel whole again. As it filled her with hope.
It was as if Aslan himself, were speaking to her.

Rhea momentarily forgot that she was in a battle, as she was too focused on the sound Susan's horn had made.
That is why she didn't hear the sound of footsteps approaching from behind.
Trumpkin called out her name, but before she could turn around, the butt of a sword was slammed into the back of her head, rendering her unconscious.
As she fell to the ground, her last thoughs were of the horn, and she prayed that is was as powerful as everyone believed. For only a miracle would be able to save them.

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