18. Goodbye

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"We'll go" announced Peter.
Rhea hoped that she had misheard, for the kings and queens couldn't just leave Narnia without warning.
"We will?" Frowned Edmund, who seemed just as shocked by his brothers statement as Rhea.
"Yes, our time is up. Afterall, we are not really needed here anymore" admitted Peter, as he made his way over to Caspian.
He removed his old Narnian sword from around his belt, and handed it to Caspian.
"I will look after it until you return" promised Caspian.
"I'm afraid that's just it, we aren't coming back" revealed Susan.
Rhea began to feel even sicker than before.
The thought of the Pevensies leaving forever, terrified her.

"We're not?" Questioned Lucy, who looked saddened at the thought of never coming back to Narnia.
"You two are. At least, I think he means you two" replied Peter, as he looked from Aslan to Edmund and Lucy.
"But why? Did Peter and Susan do something wrong?" Lucy asked Aslan.
"Quite the opposite, dear one. But all things have their time. Your brother and sister have learned all they can from this world, so it is time for them to live in their own" answered Aslan.
"It's alright Lucy, really. One day you'll see it to" reassured Peter.

Desperate to stop the Pevensies from leaving, Rhea walked away from Trumpkin and made her way over to the royals.
She knew that all the Telmarine's and Narnians were watching her, but was willing to embarrass herself, if it meant the Pevensies would stay in Narnia.
"But you can't leave. Not when you've only just returned to us" said Rhea.
"We were never meant to stay for long, like last time. This was only supposed to be a short trip, to help overthrow Miraz. We were not meant to return to our thrones. We have ruled Narnia before, and now it is time for someone else to lead" informed Peter, as he looked over at Caspian.

"You can't leave us, not yet. The last time you left unexpectedly, Narnia was invaded, and my people were slaughtered. Narnians were forced out of their homes, and they almost became extinct. If you leave again, who will look after us?" Asked Rhea.
"Aslan told me what you did in the forest yesterday, so I am sure that you will be able to look after your people without us. And Caspian will make sure that the Narnians are never persecuted ever again. Nothing ever happens the same way twice. So Narnia isn't going to be invaded again" promised Peter.
"But who will protect the Narnians after Caspian and I are dead?" Questioned Rhea.
"Aslan will watch over the Narnians until the end of time. Your people will never be alone".

"But if you don't return to Narnia, then I will never get to see you ever again" Rhea said sadly.
Peter placed his hand onto her shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"I love Narnia, and I have enjoyed being back here. But it is not my home. I must return to my own world. You know how much you hated being parted from the forest, when you were a prisoner. Well, I feel the same about my home. I can only be truly happy if I am in my own world. I thought that being back here would make me feel complete and whole again. But I was wrong. And like Aslan said, all things have their time. And it is time for me to return home" admitted Peter.

"It is not fair. I wish you could stay here and be happy. I am going to miss you all so much" sighed Rhea, as she tried not to cry.
"And we are going to miss you too. All of you have made such an impact on our lives, and we are grateful to each and every one of you" replied Peter.
"I don't want to stop you going home, as that is where you belong. But it won't be the same here without you"
"Maybe not. But you don't need us to keep Narnia thriving".
Peter looked over his shoulder at his siblings, "Come on, it's time for us to say our goodbyes".

Rhea and the Pevensies crossed back over to where Trumpkin and the other important Narnians were stood.
Peter shook hands with Glenstorm, as Lucy hugged Trumpkin goodbye.
Susan made her way up to Caspian, and stood awkwardly in front of him.
"I wish we'd had more time together" Caspian said quietly.
"Me too. But it would never have worked between us anyway" admitted Susan.
"Why not?" Quizzed Caspian.
"Well, I am 1300 years older than you".

Susan turned to go, but suddenly changed her mind and looked back to Caspian.
She placed her hands around his face and began to kiss him passionately in front of everyone.
"I'm sure when I'm older, I'll understand" said Lucy as she crinkled her nose in disgust at her sisters actions.
"I'm older, and I don't think I want to understand" mumbled Edmund, as Caspian hugged Susan close to him.

When Susan returned to her siblings, Rhea could see tears in her eyes.
"Good luck, with your new lives" said Rhea.
"Thank you. Take care of Narnia for us, in our absence" replied Peter.
"I promise"
"I know that Narnia will be safe in your hands".
Rhea smiled before looking over to Lucy and Edmund.
"If Aslan says that you two will return one day, then I will patiently wait for the day when we get to meet again" informed Rhea.

Lucy frowned and turned to face Aslan.
"The last time we left Narnia, we were gone for hundreds of years. Will that happen again?" She asked.
Aslan paused and thought for a moment, before responding.
"No. Some time will have passed, but you will return to Narnia in your friends lifetimes" promised Narnia.
"So, me and Edmund will get to see Rhea, Trumpkin, Reepicheep and Caspian again?" Questioned Lucy, unable to hide the excitement in her voice.
"There is a possibility" replied Aslan.

Lucy threw her arms around Rhea and hugged her tight.
"I look forward to our next meeting" whispered Lucy.
"Me too" replied Rhea, as the pair drew apart.
When the Pevensies began making their way towards the tree archway, Rhea did her best to remain strong.
She didn't want to cry, but she felt as if she was losing family members.
Although she hadn't known the Pevensies long, they felt like family to her, because they had gone through so much together.
Which is why she found it so hard to watch them return to their own world, leaving her behind.

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