my first real friend(pilot)

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"we will be best friends forever. pinky promise,you will never leave me."

"pinky promise." (end of flashback)

"I warned you but you didn't listen.We can no longer be friends."

Chloe felt as if the world is disappearing around her.all the the baground noises fading.her heart is beating so fast she could hear it.Her friend,her first friend from before kindergarten was abandoning her like everyone.

" your as ridiculous as everyone,fine by me ,your no longer my Adrikins,you're Adri-nothing."

Tears are staining her cheeks urhhhh,how could he do this to me I thought we meant to be there for each other.
" friends forever" he said.I guess forever is a long time.

I hate you,you said you will always be there for me but you left like everyone else.All these years of friendship meant nothing for never does.

That night chloe cried herself to sleep.

The next morning:

Beeeeep beeeeep beeeeeeeep beep,argh stupid alarm."Jean Paul bring me" breakfast.

"yes miss."

Leaning on the counter i stare at the mirror. I look terrible but nothing a bit of make-up can't fix.I think it's time to change my look.New day new me.Let's go with something more I'm betterthat you and i know it.Now what to with my hair.i will just let it down.

Miss breakfast is ready.


in the dinning room.

"Chloe princess you look amazing."i hear my daddy say.I love my father I really do but i miss my dad that would play with me and actually spend time with me.Ever since mom left for the first time he started being more and more distant.

"Don't I always daddy."

"ofcourse princess."

"Daddy remind me again why is she here.i look to his left where Zara or whatever her name is sitting."

"Be nice to her,she is your sister."

"No she is not.She is just mom's slip up.

I hear him murmur the words "don't listen to her darling.your mother and I love you."

sometimes I think I might been too bitchy but next to my mom I am an angel.

She fights to control her tears.her fake tears.she is a good actress but still not good enough I can see straight through her.

"Don't mind her darling" daddy whispers to her.I wish he would comfort me like that sometimes.

"Anyways the limousine ready to drop me off to school."


At school:

I get out of the limousine make my way towards the chemistry lab when I hear someone shouting my name.

Chloe,Chloe wait.

I recognise that voice Adriki- Adrian.i walk faster.

I was about to enter the lab when he grabbed my wrist.

"Chloe.Listen I am sorry."

"Bye weirdo"

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