chapter 8

420 16 14

Age 18

Sometimes I look in the mirror,my reflection stares back at me like a stranger.

I wonder of it's just me or does anyone else see what I see:a shell,complete and utter darkness,the desire to end it all for once.

A voice that says do it and be free while the other tells you no,you don't know what happens next ,if you'll get what you want or you'll regret it.

I wish I could decide,I'm a coward and I live with it everyday.use a smile and cruel words to hide what I truly feel.

I wonder if I'm gone would anyone miss me.i know my parents won't,yt friends if I can even call them friends would be happy.why would they  I'm nothing but annoying.

An attention seeker some might say,they're not wrong are they.

I demand everyone's attention.i don't want to face the truth.I'm just another person with issues but I never admit it.

Plaster on a smile and brush it off,they'll never know.

I wish I had the courage to stop and do things right,I wish I wasn't the way I am.

"Do you ever shut up"they say and god i wish I did. It's like I don't have control over my tongue.

I've been looking forward for tomorrow but now that it's close I feel nothing but dread.

Will I one day be able to end it all?

Felix will miss me,I think.

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