i had everything i needed

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I had everything I needed in my pocket: twenty-five dollars, Chap-Stick, a map, and my dead hamster. I was going to go bury him in the nearby park since I didn't have a yard and felt bad if I threw its limp lifeless body in the trash. As I crossed the street and made my way down the path to one of the park entrances, I looked up at the sky, the sun had set hours ago, and the clouds covered the moon. a cool breeze swept through my hair, and I looked down at the pavement as I thought 

"wow, my hamster really just died from shock from me flushing the toilet." 

My room, where my hamster resided in, was next to the bathroom and I had recently had some issues regarding the noise from my toilet. 

"How pathetic."

 I said out loud as I reached my destination. A large willow tree next to the swing set, I reached down and started to scoop up the dead leaves and dirt. Soon enough, I had a shallow hole at the base of the tree. I gently laid down my deceased pet rodent and spread the dirt. I squatted down with my head in my hands as I let out a sigh, that hamster had been with me for 2 years now. many memories of feeding of and watching it came flooding back. I walked over to the swings and sat down. I held my head back and let out a sigh.


I heard a rustle from where I had just buried my hamster. I stood up and silently crept over to the pile of dirt and leaves that covered my hamsters tiny body. another rustle sent a shiver down my spine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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