Shade 4: Bondage

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We were on the recording set... I must admit I'm a little jealous of Takato-san's co-star as well, he was getting really close and besides his next scene would be a bit... how to put it? ... Erotic?, the reason is that Takato-san would wear handcuffs and a corset, it was a type of torture... fortunately before that guy/webon/bastard/son of a bitch of the dirty fucking mother of his grandma in a thong on a skateboard fuck him alv go to CSM nobody wants him in this fucking universe why the hell nobody else in this FUCKING world webooooooon. *cough cough* sorry but do something to my lover even if it's ' only' performance bothered me although in that scene I would enter to save my beautiful Takato.

We finished recording our scene and I saw Takato-san talking to this guy 'Alex' I started listening to Takato-san's microphone that he has on his phone so he wouldn't see suspicious

Takato- It was a great scene

Alex- Yes, right?

Takato- haha ​​you are a great actor

Alex- there... I blush~~

Takato- *little laugh*

Alex- You have a very beautiful laugh Saijo-san

Takato- hmm thanks

Alex- How did you like the handcuffs?

Takato- Well, maybe I'll use them again haha

Alex- haha

Damn what the hell is wrong with you asking my lover...If Takato-san wants to wear handcuffs, he'll wear handcuffs.

Junta- Takato-san!

Takato- Oh! Chu-Junta What's up?

Junta- Nothing Who is your new friend? *fake smile*

Takato- ah... It's Alex *smiling*

Alex- Nice to meet you Azumaya... kun, san, chan?

Takato- *laughs* kun friend hahaha... it's Azumaya-kun

Alex- hahahaha then Azumaya-kun~

Junta- hahaha...

Director- we are going to do a few more scenes and finish with the scenes

Everyone- YES!

After the scenes and getting jealous for alex because that guy always got close to MY TAKATO-SAN who thinks he can get so close, damn erotic scenes of Takato that excite me but also make me jealous, damn it because it couldn't be me the one who acts with him in those scenes.

Without realizing it I took a lot of mints and put them in my mouth, I was enduring seeing that damn scene that was only supposed to last a little while it felt like a fucking eternity... Shit

Takato- Chunta? you are well?

There was no answer

Takato- Chun-

Director- We're done for today! they can go to rest

Everyone- HAI!

Junta- let's go Takato-san *takes him by the hand*

Takato- Wait- UWAAA!

Junta- You will leave that damned Alex...

Takato- WHAT!?

Junta- ...tsk








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