Shadow 5: Nursing

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Junta Narrates........Takato-san~! - I called -

Takato- Are you coming to kidnap me again!?

Junta- I'm just taking you home~~

Takato- Yes, of course... 'take me'

Junta- If you want I'll kidnap you

Takato - Forget it

Junta- Let's go?

Takato - Let's go

We got to the apartment and Takato went to bathe while I made the food but while I was doing it I started to feel hot, I started to sweat and I tripped, I heard that Takato came out of the shower and came to see me since he thought I was doing a joke but he saw me sitting on the floor so his face from a calm one turned into a worried one

Takato-Are you alright!? What happened!?

Junta- ahh~

I started to look at Takato and raised my hand to touch Takato's chest, before laying him down on the floor.

Takato- W-what are you doing?

Junta- S-Sorry

I started kissing Takato's body

Takato- agh o-hey

Junta- I'm sorry but you look really good~

Takato- Not here

Junta- Not here?

Takato- N-No, it's dangerous

Junta- by the stove?

Takato- O-Obviously, are you stupid or something?

Junta- I turn it off

I turned off the stove and took Takato-san to go to the room.


Takato - what do you want?

Junta- I want to ask you something

Takato - What?

Junta- Dress as a nurse please

Takato- W-what? put me down GET ME DOWN!

I put Takato-san down but... not to leave him alone I have to go for something.............*Omniscient narrator*

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