Leveling Up

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Akio walked around the city, looking for a shop that he could buy armor from, and maybe a weapon as well.

"Wow, I saw it from breakfast, but this place is unbelievable." Akio said, mainly speaking to himself. "There are so many things here, I wonder which will suit me best."

Let's see. Akio thought to himself, Since I don't have any physical weapons beside my fists, I think light armor will suit me best. Maybe throwing knives for a long distance weapon? Hm...

A couple of buildings ahead, Akio saw a sign for a blacksmith's shop. Shrugging, he walked into the shop. Inside, the walls were lined with shield, weapons, and armor.

Akio walked towards the armor and examined a full set that was entirely black.

"Hey kid, how do you like my shop?" A voice said from behind.

Akio turned around to see a well built black male. "Hello, my name is Erhard, and this is my shop. What can I do for you, young man?"

"I would like to buy some armor please, and maybe some weapons."

"Sure thing. I saw you looking at this piece right here and I gotta say, you have a good eye." Erhard smiled, "It's made from dragon scales and manticore fur. So it's extremely light weight while being durable. I call it, Assassin's Refuge."

Akio smiled, "That sounds exactly like what I'm looking for. How much?"

"It'll be 5 gold."

Akio thought back to all of his limited knowledge of fantasy books and their currency.

"5 gold is 500 silver, right?"

Erhard nodded, "That's correct."

Akio whistled, "Any way I can get that to be any cheaper?"

"Well, since you look like such an upstanding citizen, and as a first time customer, I can probably knock off 1 gold, or 100 silver, and if you promise to only come to me for future armor, then I can knock off another 50 silver."

Akio thought for a moment, then grinned, "Sure thing man." Akio pulled out his bag of money from his gem, which he learned he could store things in it when it accidentally absorbed his hat that morning.

"Whoa, you're a legendary hero?"

"Yep, sure am. The Super Hero, Akio Satō, at your service." Akio stuck out his hand, which Erhard shook.

"Well, if that's the case, then I can knock off another 50 silver, hero's discount."

"Oh wow, thanks man." Akio said as he put on the armor after paying Erhard the 300 silver. When he got it all fastened, he got a notification.


"No problem kid. Now, how about some weapons."

Akio nodded and walked over to the daggers. When he tried to pick one up a spark appeared and forced Akio to drop the dagger. A message popped up and read:

Only weapon permissible to use is the legendary weapon provided.

"What the..." Akio said.

"Oh, I forgot about that." Erhard said, "The Shield guy came in earlier and the same thing happened. Sorry kid."

Naofumi came here as well? I guess this guy is good if he has multiple heroes coming to him.

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