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Lowercase + misspelling intended throughout the story.

The outfit worn at the moment is at the top.

Stephanie's POV||

My name is Stephanie Randle. I just turned 17 and I live in Kansas. I know i'm young but I just graduated high school because I was first in all of my classes and I got moved up a year in junior high. Me or my family didn't have enough money to pay for my college. I wasn't poor or rich, I was mid class. That was enough for me.

My parents decided for me to visit my cousin, Steve, down in Tulsa for a while. Tulsa wasn't to far from me. Since I lived in a town called Wellington , it would be a 2 hour drive. If I lived further up north, it would be a 4 or 6 hour drive. I haven't seen my cousin since I was 13. We are the same age so we get along well. Steve was in a gang called the greasers. They were nice to hang around with. I couldn't wait to see them again.

Here I am now in the car driving to my cousins, about 30 minutes until I should be in Tulsa.

Steve's POV||
"You better not mess with my cousin you guys" I tell Soda and Two-bit.

"yea yea we get it." Two says.

"I'm not joking Two, you owe me a dime every time you hit on her."  I tell him again while walking to my house.

"Listen to Steve, Two-bit." Soda tells him.

"Anyways she should be here soon" I lean on my car in the drive way.

"If she's not I'm gonna leave" Two-bit says.

"Shut up man" Soda chuckles a little.

"Oh I think she's here" I say pointing my head to the car that pulls up near us.

Stephanie's POV||

Here goes nothing, I say pulling up to my cousins house. I park in front of the gate and get out of the car. I see my cousin with 2 other guys. One looks like a movie-star and the other one is wearing a mickey mouse shirt. I smile and walk up to him.

"Oh wow! Looks like you've gotten out of your acne stage, Steve." I tell him. He's grown a lot. Muscle wise as well.

"Aha funny. It's good to see you too Steph" Steve smiles at me opening his arms. I run into them hugging him tightly as he does to me.

"Good to see you too cuz" I say. We both pull away. "You look well." Steve tells me. "Thanks, you too" I respond with.

"hey Stephanie! I don't know if you remember me but i'm-" I cut him off  "Sodapop! It's so good to see you again!" I hug him. I can feel his smile against my hair. "You too!" I pull away from him.

I look at the other guy, Two-bit. "And, you. You're Two-bit, right?" I ask smiling at him. "Yup! That's me. How'd you remember?

"Because of your goofy face and mickey shirt" I tell him. He laughs at my comment. 

"Well, do ya wanna see the rest of the gang Steph?" Steve asks.

"Yea!" I couldn't wait to see Ponyboy. The last time i saw him he was only 10! I couldn't wait to see Darry too. I heard he had been dealing with a lot since his parents died. Soda, Steve, and Two got me caught up on everything while we were walking to the Curtis house. They told me that Dallas has been in the cooler a couple of times since I've been gone.  Dallas Winston, what a trouble maker.

We arrive at the Curtis house finally. "You go in first Steph" Steve says. I nod my head. I open the door and see familiar faces with a bright smile. Darry and Ponyboy were there a long with Johnny. I immediately put a smile on my face and walk into the house more.

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