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private messages
[billy + amie]

good morning future girlfriend
ames are you okay?
i know you don't have exams today so where are you
why won't you reply
did I do something wrong
amie :(
ames this isn't funny
if I did something wrong just tell me
I assume you aren't coming tomorrow then?
great 😞
the lads are gonna have a field day bullying me tomorrow
alright well
I'm sorry for whatever I did
(if I did anything)
enjoy your evening <3

read at 18:09 pm


private messages
[billy + amie]

goooood morning future girlfriend
I say that like you'll text back
I really don't know what I've done wrong
but I don't deserve silent treatment
if you still wanna go tonight please tell me
if not then that's fine
I seriously don't know what I've done wrong
at least you're alive because you're reading my messages
if you have exams good luck!
I'll hopefully see you tonight?
worth a shot I guess
enjoy the rest of your morning <3

read at 10:32 am


private messages
[billy + amie]

okay I know you're not talking to me but I really do need to know if ur coming tonight
if not I'll give my ticket to my mum or something
that sounds weird
please let me know
amie omg what is wrong with you
what the hell have I done wrong
whatever I'm sick of this
you're acting like a child
y'know it's rude to lead people on
if you didn't like me all you had to do was tell me
still ignoring me
bye ames 👋🏼

read at 15:54 pm


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