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december 18th, 2019
amie meets the gilmours

Amie let her eyes open slowly when she heard banging on her front door, the girl tiredly removing the 3 blankets covering her body to see who was there and what they wanted. Bringing her hands up to her face, she rubbed the remaining sleep out of them before opening the front door to see Charlotte, Aaliyah and Billy standing there.

"What the hell were you doing?!" Charlotte exclaims as her two flatmates walk in, both as panicked as one another.

"If I said not sleeping would you believe me?" Amie smiles cutely, watching how they roll their eyes before her boyfriend wraps his arms around her waist from behind.

"Alright now that we can confirm you're alive, we're gonna go back to the library." Aaliyah smiles, grabbing her key to the flat before she and Charlotte disappeared again. Amie shook her head lightly and shut the door behind them, not expecting Billy to take her hand, spin her around like a ballerina and pull her into his embrace.

"God can you get any worse with the cringe?" Amie teases, looking up at him as he rolls his eyes.

"I'm gonna treat you like a princess because that's what you are, now can we please go nap?" Billy questions. Amie laughs, pecking his lips softly before he picks her up off of the floor, legs wrapping around his waist whilst he walks into her room.

"It's honestly like a sauna in here." Billy laughs as he sets her down, shutting her bedroom door as she searched around for her phone.

"Oi, we're napping, not going on our phones." Billy tells her off as he lies down on her bed, immediately burying himself in the blanket mountain.

"My dad's tried ringing me, sorry, one second." Amie looks at him, sitting cross-legged and facing him as she clicked on her father's contact. 

Billy watched in awe as she slipped into speaking French so easily, wondering whether or not she was having an argument with him or being friends with him. He still didn't know whether or not her dad had made amends with her, but he assumed not when she put the phone down and threw it to the end of the bed with a huff.

"I take it he's still not happy?" Billy asks.

"Nope, and I have to spend Christmas in France with him." Amie sighs, lying down beside her boyfriend as he covered her up with her blankets. It didn't take long for them to fall asleep in the warmth of Amie's room, ignoring the sound of Amie's phone ringing multiple times in doing so.

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