hello dear hart how was your day at work and at the country club.
hello my love star my work day was good my day at the countrany club was really relaxing and intersting at the same time .
now that we are safetly in our home Robbin we can drop the act we put on speaking of people have you seen the mini widow and Sonia yet.no i have not seen ethier of them yet i jsut got home an hour ago do you know what Sonia planed on doing with our mini widow today affter i left for work.
no i do not know where they went Robbin remember i left with easter before you did speaking of that did you learn anything that we should be worried about that could indanger us or the mission sister dearest .
be quit i hear vioces from the dining rooom lets chek it out
oh marie this my Wife melina and her sister how are was your day dears.hello my love you did not tell me we were having coumapny over or i would have told my co works i couldn't come to eve earlier in the eveing .
nor would i accpet the dinner i got from my co works dear sister in law .
i am so sorry i should have texted you earlier it was a pleasure to meet you marie truely we could have been here at the satrt .it is no promblem dears your wife explained to me that you are both very busy so i know not to be suprised if you do not show up at social get togethers us mothers do togther.
i was just telling Sonia they are plenty of single woman in our little town to be friends with if she wanted to shall we say set up someone she knows now must be going have a good eveling.
so melina how was your day did you get any infromation you would like to shere with us .
ok one major question why in the hell is dottie doing here last she told me that she was on missoin in sweeden .
did you call her telll her where natsha and i was.melina why would you think i called dottie of all people of our mission as far i know she is still on that misson now are sure it was her you met ?
and not other coppy of her that sicko gronon made like last time.
um excuse me you two but who in hell is she are we taliking about the sliver owl and what happend on that mission you are talking about.
oh that is right sonia you would not know about tthis a few years ago myselfe and robbin as welll three other widows were sent on international mission it stared at home dealing with very sick mad sincients named droter groner he was remurod to be mixed up with this rouge versin of the red room .
so what happend affter i am guessing this misson is linked this women you called Dottie who apparently stabbed you and whoever was with you at time .
and why wouldnt i hear about was it so covered up like most of the things you did well i was still a hachtling like natlia or something else.
of couse you assmue that dottie who is known as the silver owl to have betrayed us and sold us out to this twisted organization .
but yes you were still with the accemny at the time you would have been with the middle school pration when this happened.
and yes melina mothers coverd it up very deep in the misson archactives which need a spicele code to get in with but please finsh what she was saying.
Geez robin like I was saying the people who worked with labeld themslves as the true red room/ nightnaer/ hydrga back than ciliming that what were doing was not the true purosed for us being a group of mainly spies this dortecr if you had acess to everyones mandical records and other information my monters did not be pubic.
the point is he made coppys excaly like the person they were based on like our fighting styles to personal infromation and of couse the dangerous kind of top sceerte infromation it was like real life mioor of myself
. it was beyond creepy it takes the whole idea that basterd drakevoff wanted my mother to croopate looks like a rage doll to the point people like the kgb was intersted in working with them that is how dangers this groups was they did not care if they had to kill our own people or do sinctfic experments.
this where dottie comes in to play she was sent to ireland to track some very impront imformation about the beasyerd drakeoff and what his plans where. she came across a hydra based that had infrormation about his dealings with other crminal groups that were linked to the true red room group we were there to fellow up tip from one of our own.
who is know as the white tiger when we met up with said person we found out that hydra expermint on poor dotttie they some how knew who we were going to be meeting because someone hacked our scure coummmcate lines mom called me a few days before the meeting telling how dottie went dark in the area to be carefull saying they had not heard from her in five months to be on our gard.
so imagine our surprised when we went to the location where our contact and dottie we were suprosed to meet us rember the clones this goup used we were anbrush by what looked like dottie singl that she use when she needs help so like any trained widow we arpoched with caution some people that were with us it was their first time on any misson period.
so you can guess what happend next while we were busy trying to make sure the newbabis did not do anything that could hinder the meet up we filed to relized not one but two of our best widows were fighting agsit some of the rookies with us to us verntens we saw something was not right about the situation we relized almost too late that our target manged to brain wash everyone.
the life of natsha and melina
Fanfictionthis story is about black widow aka natsha aka natalia and Melina aka iron maiden and lives together before the red room during and after shelid natsha is not advger she lives with her moms and making up time that was lost between them after the r...