Chapter 1 - The Beginnig

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Standing 5' 1" tall, an olive skinned girl with an enthusiastic feel about her; a particularly notable feature is her misleading appearance; she looks older than she really is. Her long, thick, white hair is worn in a French braid. She has an angular face, a small nose, large lips, and her sunken dark green eyes are prominent under her narrow brows. She has narrow shoulders, long arms, a thick torso, angular hips, and long legs. That girl is me, 5 years ago. 

I lived in a small village with my parents and little brother Fennel. The day they came for me, it was an early spring morning and I was helping my mother pick mushrooms for our stew, when my father came franticly running towards us. "Elena! Elena, their here. There here.", he gasped for breath. "What? No! not now, not yet.", my mother stood, her olive skin turned pale white. "Elena, we knew this would happen. When a witch-", he started to say, but was cut off by my mother signaling him to lower his voice. "When a witch turns 14 she is taken by the council to study the magical arts, we new this when she began showing signs of chaos.", he whispered. "What's going on?", I asked confused and concerned. "Don't you worry about that now dear, come on lets go home.", my mother said, clearly ignoring my fathers words.

When we returned to our cottage my mother instructed me to go to my room while she and my father had a conversation. I did as I was told, but hearing there voices slowly get louder my curiosity couldn't contain itself. I snuck to the edge of the top of the stairs and crouched down, as to hear better and not be seen. "Elena, we knew this was her fate the day she started showing signs of chaos, we can not protect her forever.", my father explained. "I don't care Theo! She is our daughter, we cannot just let them take her!", my mother argued. "Dear, this is what is best. They will teach her to control it and do great things! she will be held in the highest regards. This IS for the best.", he tried to calmly explain to her. She sobbed, but before she could offer a retort, there was a knock on the door. 

"No, not yet! it cant be time.", my mother cried. "This is for the best.", my father repeated as he opened the door. "Please come in Madame Mara.", he said invitingly. A woman in a dark burnt orange cloak entered into the house. This pale skinned woman had a remarkable feel about her. Her long, curly, blond hair was neatly pined into a low bun and she wore a sharp emerald crown; that matched the jewels down her back. She had a lean face, a well-formed nose, and full lips. Her alert pale orange eyes are wide and she has thick mincing eyebrows. "Hello, I am here for the girl.", she said in a soft but firm voice. 

"You can't do this, she's just a child.", My mother sobbed. "My dear, your daughter will be in one of the safest magical realms imaginable. She will be safe, cared for, and able to study one of the most sought after skill sets imaginable.", she explained. "But we'll never see her again.", my mother retorted coldly. "No.", she said solemnly. My mother inhaled sharply, as realization set in that no matter what she tried to do they would find me.

"Alana, come downstairs please!", she called for me. I hesitated, if what they were saying was true and I went with this woman I'd never see my family again.  "Alana Milbane! You come down here right now!", she demanded. I inhaled sharply and stood up straight. I slowly walked downstairs and said, "Yes mother?". Trying to pretend I wasn't eavesdropping. She gave me that look, that she knew I had been eavesdropping and herd everything. 

"Honey, this is Madame Mara, she runs a school for special young girls, like you.", my father said. "It's nice to meet you ma'am.", I said politely like I was taught. "Hello little one.", she said peering down at me with an oddly warm smile. "Honey, Madame Mara is here to take you with her, so you can study at her school.", He informed me. "Why? Why can't I just go to the school in the village? Like the other girls?", I ask meekly. "Well, it's because your special, not like the other girls.", He explained. "But I don't want to be special, I want to stay here!", I argued. "Alana Milbane, you will not argue with me and will do as you are told.", He scolded. "Yes, sir.", I said obediently. 

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