Chapter Eight

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Dusk P.O.V

I put my hand on Moon and try to calm him down.

"Yes, we need to find Y/n but you need to calm down first because if we find them doing anything wrong, the wrong kind of reaction can trigger them into a spiral." I say in a slow and calm way. Moon nods in understanding.

"Ok, so where are we going to check first?" Moon then chimes in.

"We should check the play structures first." I nod in response. We head over the play structures and start looking inside of them.

"I haven't found them, have you?" I ask.

"No, I haven't found them yet." Moon replies.

"Where else could they be... Moon, do you know anything about them having a dorm room... do they even know about the dorm room?" I ask out of curiosity.

"I don't know, but we should probably check just in case they are there." We head over to the dorm room and open the door slowly.

Y/n P.O.V

As soon as I got to the room I began to look through the dressers and try to find anything that would help me in this situation, tears running out of my eyes I could barely see anything. I then spotted what I was looking for when I was in the bathroom area of the room. I grabbed the blade and started to slash at my hips so it would be harder to find when people are staring at me. I slash at myself again making sure that this one was deep. I watch the blood pour out of my wound. I go in for another slash when I feel my arm being grabbed at. I look up and see Moon gripping my wrist. I start to see tears rolling from his eyes as he grips my wrist tighter. I look over to see Dusk is also in the room staring at the situation in complete shock. He was speechless by what he saw. I hear Dusk whisper to Moon.

"Sun can not know about any of this." Dusk walks up to me and takes the blade from my hand.

"Give it back!"I try to snatch it back but Moon takes the other wrist. I glared at Moon after he grabbed me.

"Let me go already!" I say aggressively.

"I will not let go. Because if I do, you are going to end up doing something stupid". He turns his face away from me.

"I'm sorry.." I say, starting to cry again.

"I just want all these feelings to stop. It hurts so much and they just won't stop, they won't go away." I say sobbing, the two were speechless. They both hug me close, Moon petting my head and Dusk rubbing circles on my back. I continued to sob until I felt my energy drain from me as my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep in their arms.

Moons P.O.V

After I feel them relax and fall asleep I pick them up gently and take them to the washroom to clean up their wounds. I look at their clothes and see that they were covered in blood. I take Y/n back over to Dusk.

"Dusk, I can't do this." I say blushing from the thought. Dusk grabs Y/n.

"Don't worry Moon, you did a good job. I got the rest for now. I'll call you over here if I need you for something. But Moon, could you please grab them some new clothes? You don't have to put them on Y/n, just get some for me. There should be more outfits in the daycare." I nod and head to the daycare and make sure I look normal, making sure my hair is back in place and my clothes are in line. I walked into our room and headed over to the dresser we have and grabbed a periwinkle sweatshirt and some yellow pajama pants. I then hear Sun.

"So, what are you doing with those?'' He says in a monotone voice.

"Nothing, Y/n was just cold so I was getting them some warmer clothes." I say nervously. While walking away swiftly. I head back to the dorm room and set the clothes down. I look over to see Dusk has just finished patching them up. "So Dusk, what are we going to do with Y/n it's not like we can keep them alone, especially since this whole establishment is surrounded by sharp things." Dusk thinks for a moment and says.

"We can't act suspicious since Sun doesn't know we will just keep an eye on Y/n from afar" I nod in agreement to him. I look at Y/n and give them a moon drop to help them with their pain. The next few hours I kept supplying Y/n with moon drops to make sure they couldn't feel any pain while they were out. I stayed by their side while they were asleep to keep watch of how they were doing. Dusk had left the room for a bit to get some supplies that we were out of.

It's been about four hours since all of this has happened and we have changed out the bandages around 3 times. Dusk says.

"Moon, it's your turn to change the bandages." I look over at dusk flustered.

"Dusk I can't."

"Awwwww.... why not Moony?~" I heard from beside me. I look down and see that Y/n is holding on to my shirt gently. I then look away from them and pout.

"Fine, I'll do it." I say blushing profusely. Dusk hands me the bandages with a shit eating grin. I slowly take off their clothes.

"What are you doing, trying to get a strip tease from me?" Y/n says with a giggle. I almost die from embarrassment at this point.

"Awwwww, did little Moony get embarrassed? Awwwww." Y/n says with a grin on their face. I look over to see Dusk dying of laughter in the background.

"Shut up, everyone." I say trying to do this calmly so I don't fuck anything up. I carefully take the bandages off of the wound clean it a bit so that when I put on the new one it wont get infected by bacteria build up. I wrap the bandages back on them and then hand them their shirt.

"Put it on yourself because I am not going to do it." I say pouting as I am turned away from them.

"Mooooooonnnnnyyyyyy.... please can you do itttttt, it's eaasier if you dooooo iiiiittttt." I hear Y/n whine to me.

"Fine, but you better not tease me or I'll stop right where I was and make you do the rest." I put Y/ns shirt back on them and gently push them down to lay down.

"You have pretty eyes." I hear Y/n say. I watch them become a giggling mess.

"Hey, hey Moon, you wanna know a secret?" Y/n says as they lean in to tell me.

"I like the sunny boi but I totally fucked it up!" I hear them laugh at themselves with tears in their eyes. I look over at Dusk and he looked just as surprised as I did. 

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